Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 2nd Nov. 2006
Please note that these minutes have not yet been approved
PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.S.Booty, Mrs.A.Came, Mr.S.Morley, Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.Pascoe, Mr.S.Tame and Mrs. Tempest
IN ATTENDANCE:Cllrs. Morgan & Jeffrey, Mr.& Mrs. Raymond, four members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper
(a)Affordable Housing:a member of the public asked about the reasons why the Parish Council was not backing the newly proposed housing development adjacent to Brook Lane as he was interested in the possibility of purchasing one should they be build.
The Clerk and Members answered his questions and explained the reasoning behind the decision not the support the building of six more houses.
It was noted that DNPA Planning Officers were not prepared to back the scheme and would be recommending refusal to the Members at the next Planning meeting on 3rd November 2006.
2827MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th Oct. 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.
(a)Widecombe Fair Review:the Chairman welcomed Mr. & Mrs. Raymond and invited them to comment on this yearÂs Fair Day.It was concluded that the day had been very successful with 49 coaches and record levels of attendance. There were more families and children than usual. It was noted that the security services worked better than the police and there were no problems with the use of passes for traders etc. There was discussion on how to improve things for next year and these points were noted and would be passed onto the Fair Committee.Mrs. Raymond handed the Clerk a signed contract for Fair Day 2007 and a £200 deposit.
(b)Affordable Housing:(see above under public comment) It was noted with satisfaction that the points made by the Council following the last WPC meeting had been recognised and adopted by the planning officer. The Clerk was asked to check on the progress of the Hastoe Housing AssociationÂs proposals to build two further houses at Brooke Lane.
(c)WDSG:the Clerk read the letter sent by the secretary of the Sports Group in which questions were asked and points made about up-dating the Constitution, the car park and the Play Area. It was agreed that Clare Partridge would list the need for maintenance on the over-flow car park area and send them to the Clerk who in turn would contact the DNPA. It was also agreed that there was little point in trying to meddle with the leases but that the management committee, that included a WPC representative, should work out a more meaningful Constitution and submit same to the Council at date before the GroupÂs AGM.It was suggested that the Group should consider applying to the TDC Rural Aid fund for financial help towards any major project.
(d)Tree Inspection:Cllr Tame reported that from a first inspection the Sycamore tree on The Green had no major infection problem but that there was a branch overhanging the road that needed to have the attention of a tree surgeon. This work has likely to cost several hundreds of pounds. Mr.Tame agreed to apply to the DNPA for a grant which would probably cover half the cost. The Council agreed to set money aside for the other half.
(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
(b)Grant of Planning for: Great Cator Farm  Young stock building & a timber-framed domestic garage at Rowden House.
(c)Refusal of Planning for a satellite dish at Lower Cator farm.Members expressed an objection to this decision and asked the Clerk to contact DNPA to inquire about their policy on the siting of satellite dishes in general and on Listed buildings in particular.
(d)0784/06Refurbishment & alterations at Shortcross Cottage: decision of Council to support.
(e)0804/06Replacement roof and windows at Post Office, Widecombe:decision to support.
(f)The Clerk was asked to write to the DNPA building officer to request that the work in progress at The Old Inn should be inspected.
(g)Mr. Morley distributed copies of the DNPAÂs instruction on the meanings of ÂMaterial Planning ConsiderationsÂ
(h)Airwave Coverage Pre-Application from LCC the Planners for Airwave O2 Ltd.A letter and plans for a mast in the village has been received from A.G.Neale of LCC. In this letter two possible sites have been illustrated(a) the Car Park and (b) The Barn at Lower Southway Farm.The purpose of the letter was to seek the views of the Parish Council. After discussion it was agreed that the Council should oppose the siting of a mast in the village at either site. There were a number of inaccuracies in the letter and plans and the Clerk was asked to consult first with DNPA before replying to LCC.
(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes,
(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Release,
(c)DCC:News Round-up,
(d)DAPC:envelope of various items,
(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,274.85
(b)ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for Oct.£287.49
(c)Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£2,276.34
(d)Income: Widecombe Fair-Raymond Amusements Deposit£200
(e)Donation to Widecombe Church House Management Committee£1,000
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.