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Parish Council Minutes November 2008


Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th Nov. 2008

PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame & Mrs. Tempest.


IN ATTENDANCE: DNPA Legal Advisor Chris Walledge, Head of Development Management Colin Jarvis DPNA,Matt Johnson Fire Service Station Manager South Devon and Dartmoor, County Councillor Sally Morgan, District Councillor Mike Jeffrey, 16 members of the public and the Clerk Peter Roper


(a) The chairman introduced and welcomed guests from DNPA and the Fire and Rescue Service. Matt Johnson explained that the current FM frequency used by the emergency services would no longer be available from 25th November 2008. It would be replaced by a new Tetra system served by a series of masts across the area and all emergency vehicles would be converted with new receivers. He informed the meeting that the Widecombe valley currently does not have a signal from the new system but that all other parts of the parish were covered. The proposed mast, which was the subject of an Appeal, would he said, provide the necessary strength of signal for all emergency services: police, ambulance and fire/rescue. Members of the public questioned the accuracy of the airwave coverage in the parish beyond the Widecombe Valley. The serious concern was expressed that, should the Widecombe mast be built, it would prove necessary to add further repeater masts across the parish in future months/years. Chris Walledge spoke of his role in the six months leading up to the Appeal and the process of the Appeal itself. The Planning Application was received and considered by a DNPA Planning Officer as is the case with 1,000 other planning applications received annually. Although the officer recommended approval, the elected Members voted to refuse 02 Airwaves Application. This subsequently was destined to be the subject of an Appeal against DNPA’s decision. At this point Chris become involve and has spent the last six months totally dedicated to preparing for the Appeal due to be heard in October 2008. Unfortunately new evidence was presented a day before the hearing which completely changed the balance of reasoning for the grounds of refusal. As the DNPA had already spent £17,000 preparing expert evidence, the fact that all the leaders of the three emergency services were saying they must have Tetra coverage, Chris felt unable to recommend continuing with the hearing. He said that it would cost £50 – £60,000 to defend against the appeal and that, in his opinion; this would be an unreasonable use of public money to fight a case that could not be won. In the event the Inspector appointed to conduct the hearing decided that, because DNPA had withdrawn, the hearing should be adjurned until January 2009. He said that withdrawing from the appeal does not necessarily mean that it will be granted. Sally Morgan has been involved, as our County Councillor, and her view was that it is a done deal and that 02 Airwaves have all the cards and therefore DNPA have no choice left.

(b) Public Questions: there followed a long debate during which many members of the public expressed their strongly held views that the DNPA, the WPC and members of the public have been manipulated into a position that makes everyone powerless to alter the perceived inevitable outcome that there will be a mast built in the village and that once this precedent has been set more repeater masts will be required in other parts of the parish.

(c) Parish Council’s Position: following the debate the Parish Council members considered whether they should adopt a different position than the one they adopted at the time when the Planning application was first received. There was concern that the emergency services could only serve the community, in the event of an emergency, if they had efficient means of communication. A motion was proposed and seconded: The WPC proposes that their original objection to the planning application in connection with the TETRA mast at Bowden Barn in 2007, complete with the evidence accompanying it, still stands. The Parish Council objects most strongly to the procedure adopted by the appellant in connection with the evidence produced just before the Public Inquiry that, in their opinion has changed the original application and upon which they have not had the chance to express their opinion.’

(d) Post Office Closure: Mr. Eveleigh informed the meeting that he has been notified that the Post Office will officially close on 10th December 2008. He explained further that the past few months of uncertainty had been a time of anxiety for him and that he has not been satisfied that his planning application for the change of use of the post office to domestic use has been properly handled by both the Parish Council and the DNPA. The Clerk attempted to answer his points of criticism.


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd October 2008 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.


(a) Casual Vacancy: as a result of the resignation of Cllr. Eveleigh the Council has decided to proceed with the advertisement for creating the means to either hold an election or co-opt a replacement.

(b) Hastoe Housing Association: The Council has received confidential details of the four households interested in being considered for purchase of the part ownership of the last affordable house just completed at Brook Lane.

(c) South Devon Judiciary: a reply has been received from Lady Jane Frere offering a guest speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed to accept this offer and the date of the APM was agreed to be held on Wednesday 18th March 2009.

(d) Raymond Amusements: it was agreed to invite Paul and Ann Raymond to the WPC meeting in January to discuss Fair Day 2009.

(e) DNPA Housing Land Assessment: DNPA have asked if there are any landowners who wish to propose a site for residential development. After discussion it was decided, in the light of the strong interest in the Hastoe Affordable Houses at Brook Lane, to put forward the Parish Field behind the car park for consideration. The Clerk was asked to contact CCD with regard to conducting a Housing Needs Survey.


(a) Weekly Lists placed for circulation: in future these will only be available on line.

(b) Grant of Planning for: flu pipe, rendering at Old Glebe (Listed) and Antenna at Blackslade

(c) Permitted Development: change of rights amendments to the Housing Act.

(d) Felling Licence: Ponsworthy Farm. Council supported the application.

(e) 0652/08 Agricultural Building at Zellions, ditto

(f) 0626/08 Replacement rainwater goods at Old Glebe House ditto

2991 CORRESPONDENCE placed for circulation:

(a) TDC: Agendas & Minutes, TALC and Access to Services

(b) DNPA: Minutes and Agendas, forum 28.11, Land Availability, DNP Design Guide.

(c) DCC: Devon in Touch, Commons Act 2006, Sustainable Management 2014 – 2038

(d) DAPC: Newsletter, Sustainable Community Act and Codes of conduct.

(e) Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


(a) DCC: Maintenance map completed following a request from the Area Highways Engineer to continue with the previously used system.



(a) A question was asked about the progress of the digitalisation of the Apportionment Book. Chairman is to enquire. Mr.Morley still holds the Map CD which can be borrowed on request.


(a) Balance Carried forward deposit account £4,795

(b) Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for October £312.80

(c) Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £2,086.25

(d) Annual External Audit 2007/08: Audit successfully completed £141.00

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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