Draft minutes of the Parish Council meetingheld on Thursday 5th November 2009
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Tame, Tempest and Wallace.
In attendance: County Councillor Gribble, PC Dudley Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Present: 2 members of the public OPEN FORUM
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. None declared.
3087 RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThere were three amendments to the draft minutes before approval:
§ Cllr Morley was not listed as being present at the meeting.§ Spelling correction – Public Inquiry
§ Discussion over cheque numbers. It transpired that this was incorrect on the agenda and the minutes were correct. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 1st October 2009 were then APPROVED by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.
3088 POLICE REPORTPCSO Gareth Jones had sent the clerk information about the Farm Watch Scheme which had been forwarded to members prior to the meeting. A request had been made to the Parish Council to make a contribution to the cost of the signs which would act as a warning that the Farm Watch Scheme was in operation. Some members felt, however, that signs could be seen as advertising a potential problem and they might have the opposite effect. PC Dudley explained the ‘Let’s Talk’ scheme and how members might help by being involved in the community messaging service. Cllr Morley suggested that the scheme be extended to other isolated properties which weren’t necessarily farms. This was agreed as a good idea. Members agreed to complete the forms and PC Dudley would collect them when he was in the parish.
3089 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCllr Gribble has taken further steps to deal with the state of the roads. He has obtained the notes from the meeting between Gerry King and Peter Brunt from DCC and Cllrs Morley and Nosworthy. These were placed in the circulation folder. He has expressed his disgust about the contractors’ quality of work – it is an uphill struggle but he will continue to pursue it.
3090 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Jeffrey was not present at the meeting.
3091 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a) Raymond Amusements – review of Widecombe Fair 2009
The Chairman invited Mr & Mrs Raymond to review the success of this year’s fair. They reported that it was quite a successful fair. One or two traders were missing this year, but this was not surprising due to the financial climate. Those traders who did attend were satisfied with the level of trade. The Raymonds expressed their concerns about the number of coaches attending and asked whether this was a result of the increased charges that were made. Cllr Smerdon confirmed that the Widecombe Fair Committee was addressing this issue. Cllr Smerdon added that the one way system worked well with a steward directing the trade lorries and thanked the Raymonds for organising this. PC Dudley reported that there were no problems. The Chairman reported that he and Ronnie Constant had received a letter from someone expressing concerns about the location of the disabled parking. Both he and Ronnie Constant had responded accordingly. The Raymonds asked about next year and left a deposit of £275. The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council had not yet discussed next year but would do so in the January meeting. A brief discussion ensued about whether it should be sent out to tender. No requests, however, have ever been put in writing. It was agreed that this would be discussed further in January’s meeting. (b) Parish Planning – to discuss process and benefits
The main concern is whether there is a need to complete a parish plan and whether Widecombe would benefit. Cllr Tame suggested that the school governors are approached to see if this is something they would want to become involved in. The Chairman agreed to follow this up. Funding the project is also a concern. The clerk reported that the DNPA would usually grant £250 for such a project. (c) Parish Council Field – potential site for affordable housing
The clerk reported that she had contacted Peter Roper about this and he had advised as follows. If Widecombe Parish Council grants permission for building outside the development boundary then the site must be an Exception Site which then restricts it to affordable houses only. However, a developer, in conjunction with a Housing Association is obliged to draw up a S.106 agreement with the landowner (WPC). For affordable homes this is about £10,000 per plot. However, in his will, the gentleman who left it to the parish did so provided it was never sold. Peter suggested that the Parish Council could always give the land to the developer on condition, under a S.106 agreement that a sum of money is given to the Local Authority. The Parish Council would need to agree that this S.106 money is then ring fenced for use in the parish only. It could then be used for all sorts of things in the parish. After discussion, it was agreed that the clerk would look into the legal constraints in connection with how the field can be used including how TDC acquired the land for the car park. Dependent on these answers, the Parish Council will then need to establish whether there is a need for additional affordable houses in the parish.
(d) Church Wall – update on repairsThe clerk reported that TDC were in year one of a three year fixed term contract to undertake remedial works to fourteen of the nineteen closed churchyards throughout the District currently under their responsibility. Although the responsibility falls with TDC to fund and undertake the works, they have to pay/apply to the Diocese for the necessary approval to carry out the works at each churchyard. Due to the popularity of the area with visitors during the summer period, TDC took the decision to undertake works in Widecombe in autumn/winter 2009. However, at present TDC are awaiting permissions. Due to the rarity of the wall being a listed structure in its own right, TDC also has to apply for Listed Building Consent from the DNPA. TDC are therefore not able to provide an exact date for commencement of the works at this time due to the Listed Buildings/Diocese Faculty process and the availability of the contractor at the time of their intended start date. More information would be provided once permissions had been granted. The clerk was asked to chase TDC about this – no applications for permission have been submitted to the DNPA yet and the wall is becoming increasingly dangerous.
3092 PLANNING(a) New applications
(i) Higher Northway Farm, WidecombeAppeal against enforcement notice.
No further comment. (ii) Jordan Manor, Widecombe
New doorway through an existing studwork wall No objections.
(b) Decisions(i) 1 Higher Aish Cottage, Poundsgate
Two storey extension to provide additional living accommodation Granted conditionally.
(ii) Farm, Lower Cator, WidecombeChange of use of shippon to kitchen and change of use of existing linhay to form self-contained unit of holiday accommodation
Granted conditionally. (c) Other
(i) The Chair, Natsworthy Gate, Widecombe This application has been withdrawn.
(ii) TETRA – re-opening of inquiry The Chairman reported that he had attended the re-opening of the TETRA inquiry on 28th and 29th October on behalf of the Parish Council – report and statements attached. Due to the Planning Inspectorate’s late submission of evidence, the Inquiry has now been adjourned again until March 2010. Having reminded members of the key issues of the Inquiry, the Chairman sought ratification from the Parish Council of the statements he had made. After discussion and closer inspection of the plans and clarification of the issues, members agreed to support the Chairman’s statement. The Chairman also sought the opinion of the Parish Council as to whether he should continue to represent the parish at the Inquiry in March 2010. Whilst members did not know what the individual views of parishioners are, members agreed that the Chairman should continue to represent the parish in March 2010. However, the Parish Council maintained their view that they are not objecting to the mast being erected per se but is concerned about the location of the proposed mast and its effectiveness in enabling an adequate signal across the whole of the parish. If a mast is constructed and an adequate signal in Widecombe valley results, there is still doubt as to whether there will be a signal in the outlying hamlets in the parish.
3093 CORRESPONDENCE The following items were noted and placed in the briefcase for circulation:
(a) Letter of thanks from Widecombe PCC for the grant(b) DAPC newsletter. The clerk noted that serving notice of meetings by email does not comply with the Local Government Act 1972. However, the NALC takes the view that is a parish council passes a resolution for the service of summons and agendas and supporting documents by email and it has standing orders which confirm this arrangement, this would be acceptable. However, it must be accepted that the delivery of a summons by email is still technically wrong.
(c) South West Lifelong Learning Network (d) Local Community Action Team – Central Devon Conservatives
(d) Dartmoor National Park Authority Forum – 27th November at 2.15pm (e) TALC – forthcoming meetings – 26th November & 28th January
(f) Aspirant Foundation Trust Consultation 3094 HIGHWAYS
(a) Members were given the opportunity to mark potholes and road defect on the map which the clerk would then send to the Highways department. (b) The clerk reported that the road from Southcombe Cross to Ponsworthy Cross will be closed on 8th February 2010 for utility works.
(c) The clerk reported that DCC has introduced a part-night lighting policy – full details of this would be placed in the circulation folder for information. It as also reported that that the street lamp outside the shop on the green on the Natsworthy Road is not working. The clerk would report this to DCC. 3095 DELEGATES REPORTS
Cllr Tame reported that he had received a quote from Rupert Baker for £210 for works to the tree on the green. He had also spoken to Brian Beasley at DNPA who thinks that he will be able to grant 50% of this fee. It was agreed for the work to go ahead. 3096 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN
(a) The Chairman advised members that he had ordered 12 photographs for members. It was agreed that these should also be posted on Widecombe’s website. 3097 FINANCE
(a) The following payments were approved:Cheque no 000687 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for October £238.12
§ Cheque no 000688 – Rod Newbolt-Young – new key for noticeboard £ 6.00 (b) Account balances:
§ Current account £2894.35 § Deposit account £4834.38
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.25 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.