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Parish Council Minutes November 2010


WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL                                Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 4th November 2010
in Widecombe-in-the-Moor Primary SchoolPresent: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon and Tame. Clerk: Suzanna HughesIn attendance: County Cllr Gribble, Mr & Mrs Raymond (Raymond Amusements) Members of the Public: ElevenOPEN FORUM The Chairman thanked the head teacher of the school, Kate Edwards, for allowing the Parish Council to hold the meeting in the school hall. The main reason for doing this was to be able to use the projector to view planning applications by linking it to a lap top and connecting to the DNPA’s website.3203     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from:§ Cllr Tempest § Cllr Wallace§ District Cllr Jeffrey 3204     DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTMembers were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. None declared.3205     RATIFICATION OF MINUTES Two minor amendments were made after which the minutes of the meeting dated 7th October 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.3206     POLICE REPORT No crime report.3207     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Gribble commented on the changes to the Mobile Library Service and also that the Burial Grounds Maintenance Grants would be ceasing in 2012. The clerk confirmed that the Parish Council is not responsible for maintenance of the burial ground and this would therefore not impact on the Parish Council.3208     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT No report.3209     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a)        Widecombe Fair Standing Orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak to this item including Mr & Mrs Raymond from Raymond Amusements. Mr Raymond commented that the Fair was badly affected this year by the weather. Some traders did not come and some of those who did come did not have a successful trading day due to the lack of numbers attending. He raised concerns about the number of coaches attending and had counted 28 coaches this year compared with 50+ in previous years. He stressed that the market on the green depends on this coach trade. It was acknowledged that the cost to coaches for parking had been reduced this year from £25 to £15. Next year, they are considering putting up a marquee in the car park and opening it up for arts and crafts stalls. This will give locals the opportunity to trade when previously they have not been able. It would also help if the weather is poor. Mr Raymond has seen a copy of the letter from the Widecombe Fair Committee which raises local concern about the number of food type outlets on the Green which this year it is alleged were in direct competition with both village business and those customarily to be found on the Fairfield. In response he confirmed that the food arrangements were in line with the contract supplied by the Parish Council.   In particular there is no restriction on cold food. He referred again to the coaches and asked who contacted the coach companies to publicise the event. A member of the Committee assured Mr Raymond that there was extensive publication of the Fair to the press etc. The Chairman invited views about the idea of a marquee. It was generally considered a good idea but there would require the permission of the car park owner. It would not cover the whole car park. The Chairman invited comments from the public. Re publicity – there are years when response is good and years when it is not. The level of publicity, however, does not vary. The coach companies are all aware of the Fair and that the cost of parking had been reduced. It was suggested that the coach companies should be asked why they are not attending.   A member of the public asked about the nature of the contract. A brief discussion followed about whether it should be invited to public tender. It was confirmed that this had been raised before and decided against. However, the clerk would check the legality of this.            The Widecombe Fair Committee commented that it picks up complaints from villagers particularly about the quality of the stands. It was suggested that there should be more of an emphasis on rural skills and arts and crafts. It was requested that these complaints should be put in writing to the Parish Council. The Committee also has concerns about costs approaching £20,000 which have to be found every year. These are usually generated from those coming on to the Fairfield. However, the Committee are keen for people to come right through the village.    Mr Raymond suggested a land train to connect the two sites together.   Above all, the village should work together to ensure a successful Fair. This was agreed by all.   Turning to the contract, it was suggested that Raymond Amusements have the contract for 2011 and it be reviewed next year. It was also agreed that the cost would increase to £2,700.    It was suggested that the Fair should be discussed further at the annual Parish Meeting. Members were provided with a copy of the balance sheet showing a profit of £1003.35. Cllr Gribble asked whether an application had ever been made fro grant aid.(b)        Military Shell             The clerk reported that she had approached the National Trust about whether they would be prepared to collect the money from a box should one be sited by the shell and they had agreed in principle. However, the location of such a collection box would have to be agreed with the National Trust.(c)          Boundary wall to Widecombe-in-the-Moor pay & display car park The clerk reported that it was proving difficult to obtain local quotations for the repairs to the boundary wall which satisfied TDC’s requirements relating to insurance, health & safety etc. The Chairman would provide the clerk with some additional contacts. (d)       ‘Shop’ banner in National Trust shop The site has been visited and the matter is currently being investigated by the Enforcement Planner who will be in contact with the National Trust shortly and will update further with any progress in due course.3210     PLANNING (a)        New applications/appeals(i)         0499/10 – Change of use of the land for the siting of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling with associated levelling works at Blackdown Piper Farm, Widecombe             After discussion and having noted the significant local objection to this application, members agreed to object on the following grounds:§ In the applicant’s ‘Statement of Significance’, the Parish Council has concerns that ‘the Applicant is only seeking temporary accommodation in the form of a mobile home (or similar) to allow the Business Plan to be fully implemented’.    The implication is that the Applicant will submit a further application for a permanent dwelling once three years of trading accounts are available. It is obvious therefore that if a temporary dwelling is permitted, the next step for the Applicant will be an application for a permanent dwelling which is even more inappropriate for this site. § The Parish Council is very concerned about the detrimental visual impact of any construction at this site which will intrude onto this hillside. It is visible from a large area, particularly the ‘straight mile’ and the Parish Council urge the DNPA to refuse further development in this location.§ The Parish Council questions the need for this ‘dwelling’ with particular concern about the high stocking rate claimed. This does not ‘add-up’ and seems much higher than this holding could support.                         (ii)         0489/10 – Erection of ground mounted PV Panel Array for domestic use at Park Cottage,                                                      Widecombe. This application has been withdrawn and will be resubmitted to include                                                       change of use of the field.  Members supported the application.(iii)           0516/10 – Addition of solar panels on roof of existing barn at Langworthy Farm, Widecombe Members supported the application.                         (iv)        Felling of Western cedar at Manor Cottage, Widecombe (within the Conservation area)                                    No objections. (b)        Decisions(i)         0447/10 – Erection of garage/car port and single storey rear extension at Ravenswood, Leusdon, Poundsgate Granted conditionally.                         (ii)         0414/10 – Replacement outbuilding at 2 Manor Cottage, Widecombe                                    Granted conditionally. (iii)           Demolition of existing building and erection of new agricultural building (25m x 18m), Drywell Farm, WidecombeGranted conditionally  c)Other planning matters (i)             Conservation area boundary changes: The clerk had received correspondence from DNPA advising that during a meeting on 1st October, members agreed the recommendation to approve boundary changes for Widecombe-in-the-Moor Conservation Area. A map showing the revised boundary for the Conservation Area and the designated changes was noted by the Parish Council.                                         3211     CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence, not requiring discussion, was placed in the briefcase for circulation amongst members after the meeting: (a)           DNPA – Meeting between DNPA and Parish/Town Councils – 16th November Cllr Smerdon agreed to attend. (b)        Sue Hitchcock from the Community Council of Devon has asked whether the Parish Council would be interested in conducting a Housing Needs Survey. After brief discussion, it was agreed that this would be a good idea and the clerk should invite her to a Parish Council meeting to discuss further. (c)        Mobile Library Service – Notification has been received from DCC that the mobile library stop in Widecombe has been removed and a community outlet library at the Café on the Green will be piloted for one year. (d)        Letter from the History Group – the original Widecombe History Group Heritage Centre and Archive Project is currently on hold until suitable premises are found or the Reading Room becomes available.  However, in the meantime, the Group hopes to get on with Digitising and Cataloguing of the History Group Archives which was part of the original project.  Although the Group will use some of the money raised for the original project for the digitising (since that project included digitising as one component), it wants to keep some of it back for use, if and when, premises become available.  For this reason it is seeking funding through grants etc to help with the costs of the equipment for digitising.  When applying for grants the Group has been asked to show that there is support for the project from the Community and for this reason the Group is asking the Parish Council for a letter/email of support.  The village has been very supportive of this project as a whole and people have given generously whenever there have been fund raising activities.  The Group has also had a very positive response from the Heritage Lottery Fund when it approached them for a Grant towards the original project.  Unfortunately they do not award Grants of less than £3,000 and the Group is currently looking for Grants in the region of £1,500 with the History Group match funding. If the Parish council can offer any further monetary support this would be most welcome.   A discussion followed about the apportionment book and tithe maps and it was asked what stage this was at. It was agreed that the Chairman would speak with Roger Claxton. It was also raised that some parishes had paid DCC for the digitisation but those who did not had their records digitised anyway. Cllr Morley agreed to find out more about this.      [Cllr Nosworthy reminded members that he has a set of keys for the history chest.]  The Flyer – Teignbridge CVS(b)           TDC – launch of new campaign encouraging more local people to stand for election (c)           Teignbridge Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd – Annual Report and request for funding(d)           Discover Hannahs at Seale Hayne 3212     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Following concerns raised last month about the various blocked ditches and leats, Highways Superintendent Ian Sampson reported that he had sent the lengthsman instructions to clear them. He will also try and source a lengthsman rota. (b)        Problems of overgrown hedges and trees were reported including the hedge outside Tower House, Olds Brim and a willow tree growing over the road at Jordan Manor. It was agreed that the clerk should write asking the respective owners to trim them and enclose a leaflet reminding them of their responsibilities for tree and hedge maintenance.3213     DELEGATES REPORTS Cllr Tame reminded members that it had been 18 months since the last tree inspection. It was agreed that he should ask Rupert Baker to inspect them. There were serious concerns raised that TDC/DNPA may be closing the toilets at Newbridge. It was agreed that the clerk should contact TDC/DNPA to find out more information.3214     MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN None.3215     FINANCE             (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:§ Cheque no 000721 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £465.43 § Cheque no 000722 – Widecombe Fair Committee – £945.65(b)        The monthly bank reconciliation was noted.                                                                    There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….  
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.


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