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Parish Council Minutes November 2013

                                                              WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
                                                       Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
                                                        held on Thursday 7 November 2013
                                                           in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Booty (Chairman), Fenton, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest & Wallace
In attendance: District Cllr Jeffrey
Members of the Public: 3
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Trevor Eveleigh   Mr Eveleigh expressed concern about the land around the Saxon Well at the edge of the highway and advised that he believed the land to be unregistered. If this is the case, he suggested that the Parish Council should consider registering it in order to protect it for the future. After a discussion it was agreed that a site meeting be arranged for Saturday 16th November at 2pm in order for members to identify the boundaries of this land with a view to registering it with the Land Registry.
Anthony Beard  Advised members that a meeting to discuss the potential closure of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Hospitals had been arranged for Wednesday 13th November at 6.30pm in Church House to which he encouraged attendance.
Cllr Fenton  Informed members that the closure of Kenwyn residential home was imminent as there is only one remaining resident and questioned whether there had been any campaign to keep it open. Members were not aware of any such campaign.
• Cllr R Newbolt-Young
• County Cllr Gribble
• PC Andy Dudley 
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 3 October 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley was unable to attend but sent the following written report:
1 incident was reported. A lorry was stuck for a short period at Poundsgate on 23rd October. Local residents helped the driver find a better route across the moor.
1 crime was recorded. Damage was caused in the public toilets at Newbridge on 17th October. A toilet pan was smashed and the offender is thought to have left the scene in an older style blue Ford Fiesta.
The Police surgery is on Tuesday 26th November from 10-11am at the Information Centre in  Ashburton. PC Dudley can be contacted at Conway House, Ashburton via the central no. 101. Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no. 0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police. The Neighbourhood Team can also be contacted by e-mail –
No report.
Cllr Jeffrey reported that the main issues at the district council were taxis, CCTV and toilets. The threat of toilet closure, however, would not affect this parish.
Cllr Tempest reported that she had attended a meeting at Church House at which she had advised that the Parish Council was hoping to replace the bench outside the National Trust shop. Members agreed that the National Trust must be consulted before any works take place.
(a) Affordable Housing – Brook Lane Cottages
Members received correspondence from Hastoe Housing Association in response to the Parish Council’s complaint about the recent allocation of one of the cottages on Brook Lane. After a discussion, members acknowledged the contents of the letter and the apologies contained therein. However, members directed the clerk to establish from Hastoe how, if their failure to notify the Parish Council about the vacant property was due to human error, they would prevent this from happening again. It was also suggested that as Hastoe’s internal procedures are assessed by Quality Housing Services (QHS), it might be appropriate for the improvements mentioned in the letter to be formally recorded under this system. It was also agreed that it was not necessary for a Hastoe representative to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council.
(b) Bench outside National Trust shop
The clerk advised that the grant from County Cllr Gribble’s community fund has been approved (£475). It was agreed that before the bench was ordered, approval must be sought from the National Trust including how the new bench is to be fixed to the ground.
(c) Sandbag Store
The clerk advised that Teignbridge District Council had agreed in principle to a sandbag store being sited in the car park. TDC would need to know the size and a licence would probably need to be arranged as the Parish Council will be the owners of the store. Depending on its size, DNPA may also need to be consulted as the planning authority. Unfortunately, neither TDC nor Devon County Council are able to fund the purchase of a store at this time as the initiative for resilience support for parishes available some time ago not available anymore. However, funds may be available at the end of the financial year if there are any under-spent budgets. TDC advised that the cost of a 3m x 2m metal store with door is £1,170 + VAT. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain some other costs in time for the next meeting.
(d) Elector Fund
Members considered a letter from Bovey Tracey Town Council asking for support towards the regeneration of Bovey Tracey town centre through the Elector Fund (this year £1.55 per elector). Members empathised with the problems outlined in the letter and agreed to give their support.
(e) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’
Cllr Fenton informed members that he had attended a meeting in order to put together a grant application for the ’Welcome to Widecombe’ project. The project will include the production of maps for visitors, a sign in each car park, discreet directional arrows and possibly the installation of wifi for the village. He advised that whilst the project proposals was still being finalised it was highly likely to achieve funding and it has the support of businesses in the parish. If the project is approved, a public meeting will be held to inform residents of the proposals.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0565/13 – Erection of a woodstore in the old yard at Southcombe Barn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application. 
(ii) 0524/13 – Rear extension, front and side porches, replacement garage, river bank protection and new footbridge at Riverside, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application.
(iii) 0553/13 – Replacement of windows and front door at County Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
(This follows the withdrawal of the previous application 0494/13)
Members agreed to support this application.
(iv) 0372/13 & 0373/13 – Conversion of barn to holiday let at Hayloft, Lower Cator, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Appeal against refusal of full planning permission and listed building consent
The clerk advised that the Parish Council raised no objections to these applications when originally submitted and it was agreed that no further comments would be made.
(b) Decisions
(i) 13/0032 – Proposed tree works, The Old Rectory, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has not protected the tree with a Tree Preservation Order.
(ii) 0434/13 – Timber outdoor learning shelter in playground, Widecombe Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(a) The following payments were approved:
Cheque no 000828 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (November & December) – £423.30
Cheque no 000829 – TDC (Additional toilet attendance – Widecombe Fair) – £216.00
Cheque no 000830 – Widecombe History Group (Grant towards archive centre) – £1,000
Cheque no 000831 – Widecombe Fair Committee – £644.19
[25% contribution towards traffic and pedestrian management expenses]
Cheque no 000832 – Hayes (Purchase and delivery of bench) – £424.99
(b) Members received and noted the Widecombe Fair Day balance sheet
(a) Cllr Nosworthy reported on his meeting with County Cllr Gribble and DCC Highways Officer, Scott Riddell. Unfortunately, funding for repairs remains an ongoing issue. He advised that Mr Riddell’s advised that all potholes and highways defects should be reported by individuals direct to DCC as this would increase the likelihood of the repairs being carried out.
(b) Cllr Nosworthy advised that there is a section missing from the cattlegrid at the top of Stonehill (in the parish of Buckland).
Members were informed of the following items of correspondence:
(a) Widecombe Health Meeting – Wednesday 13th November, 6.30-8.30pm in Church House
(b) Healthwatch Voices – Issue 2
(c) DCC – Travelling in Winter 2013/14 leaflet
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.56pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.

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