Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in Church House, Widecombe onThursday 2 November 2023 at 7.30pm
Members present: Councillor S Raynor (Chair for this meeting), J Bibby, D Edwards, T Guest, C Partridge & S Zab
Members of the Public: Two
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
- Cllr Elliott
- District Cllr Nutley
- District Cllr Cox
- District Cllr and Ashburton Postmaster Rogers
- County Cllr Gribble
- Rob Steemson (DNPA)
There were no comments from members of the public.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordancewith the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillorwould have been aware of such before the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
Members received the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5 October 2023 which were approvedas a true and correct record.
(a) County Councillor
No report.
(b) District Councillors
No reports.
(c) DNPA Representative
No report.
(d) Police Report
No report.
(e) Delegate Reports
(Cllrs Edwards, Partridge & Zab)
(a) Parish Field
(i) The income and expenditure for the Parish Field (to 2 November) was received. A balance of£1235.85 was noted.
(b) Affordable Housing
(i) Teign Housing has now advertised the new affordable homes at Brook Lane Cottages on Devon Home Choice. The bidding will close on Wednesday 16 November. The advertisingperiod is one week longer than is usual for DHC in line with the requirements of the s106 agreement.
Teign Housing is arranging a meeting w/c 27 November in Church House for successful applicants to meet each other and answer questions. The Council will be notified of the dateand members are welcome to attend.
(c) Trees
(i) Members received further correspondence about the horse chestnut sapling which is being donated to the parish. It was agreed that the donor should be asked to keep hold of thesapling until it grows more. Whilst the donor would prefer the sapling to be planted on the green, it was agreed that it would not be strong enough and that a more suitable locationwould be sought.
(ii) Cllr Zab circulated a report detailing options for obtaining suitable trees for the green. She hasexplored The Coronation Living Heritage Fund, DCC Emergency Fund, The Woodland Trust and The Devon Wildlife Trust. Trees are currently being donated by The Woodland Trust andThe Devon Wildlife Trust but they are unable to provide the species considered to be the most appropriate for that location (horse chestnut and lime).
After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Zab should explore how much it would cost to purchase a sweet chestnut and a lime (Tilla Europea) both 6-7 feet in height and report back atthe next meeting.
(d) North Hall sub-lease between the Parish Council and WDSG
Members received a report following a meeting between Parish Council members and members of the Sports Group.
Cllr Partridge advised that she had spoken to Andrew Watson at DNPA and explained the issue. It was thought that the quoted legal costs seemed excessive and that the Parish Council should thinkabout obtaining further quotes.
There was a discussion about the need for the Licence to Underlet (£1000 + VAT to draft). It wasnoted that this is typically so the landlord can retain an element of control over the property and the identity of the undertenant.
Members continued to discuss the mechanics of creating a Committee of the Parish Council to manage the Field/Sports Group but the feeling from the meeting with the Sports Group was that theywould prefer to keep the status quo. Legal costs would therefore the main hurdle. This said, other members of the Sports Group have not yet been consulted and it would be helpful to obtain the view ofall Sports Group Committee members about their willingness to run the Sports Group as a Committee of the Parish Council.
A consideration if the Parish Council took over the running of the Sports Group (thus not sub-letting the land to the Sports Group) would be the potential liability for rates. The clerk advised, however, that theParish Council may quality for small business rate relief depending on the rateable value of the land. At some point in the future, it may be that the Community Hall would agree to take over the running ofthese facilities.
Members discussed whether the Sports Group would be able to access grant funding to resurface thetennis court if the issue with the sub-lease was resolved or whether there were other barriers to obtaining the funding. Cllr Partridge advised that the size and demographic of the community may limitfunding opportunities.
The current level of usage was also discussed and it was thought that the facility is under-utilsed.Another option would be to give DNPA 6 months-notice to quit and to lose the facility altogether. The clerk advised that some years ago, DNPA earmarked North Hall field as land which it coulddispose of and that it be worth exploring whether DNPA would be prepared to sell the land to the Parish Council.
Agreed actions:
Cllr Partridge to speak to DNPA about the need to have a Licence to Underlet.
Cllr Partridge to speak to DNPA about whether they would consider selling the land for £1 to the Parish Council.
Cllr Partridge to seek the opinions of the Sports Group Committee members about the Sports Group being run as a Committee of the Parish Council.
(e) Widecombe Website
Members received a summary document from Roger Claxton providing information about Widecombewebsite and its future.
It was noted that the Widecombe History Group is considering pulling away from the existing site andlooking to create its own site.
Members of the Parish Council agreed that the existing site provides the Parish Council with a suitableonline presence as is legally required and that a separate Parish Council website is not necessary. However, it was agreed that the Parish Council should consider making a more regular financialcontribution to the website to help with the running costs and this could be built into the Council’s annual budget. This may help towards paying for additional support to manage the site. However itwas agreed that Cllrs Edwards and Zab should confirm who owns the domain name and who currently receives any income generated from the website.
(Cllrs Bibby, Jones & Guest)
(a) New planning applications/appeals
(i) 0473/23 – Rowden, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Agricultural building (Prior Notification)
Members noted that DNP refused Prior Approval for a previous application submitted earlierthis year (0249/23) and in DNP Officer’s report, it stated: “…The site is located approximately 500 metres from the applicant’s dwelling, in an isolatedposition. The proposed barn would have detrimental impact to the moor and surrounding landscape, and very visible from the road. The landholding within the applicant’s ownership isall in a similar location and therefore alternative locations for the building are not suitable as they would have a detrimental impact on the landscape. The proposed barn will not conserveand enhance the landscape character, having a negative impact on its surroundings in the moorland edge slopes and upland moors. The proposed development fails to meet therequired policy test of conserving and enhancing the landscape character and visual amenity of the National Park. Impact on landscape character is as important as visual impact and thishas been highlighted in recent appeal decisions. The field next to the site on the east, is listed on the HER, which has medieval origins. In 1977 a single pot sherd was found in this field andrecorded in the Widecombe Survey. The proposed development contrasts strongly with this remote landscape and will introduce an urbanising influence into a secluded tranquillandscape. Therefore, the application for Prior Approval is recommended for refusal….”
It was further noted that there seems to be no obvious difference between that application andthe one now submitted for consideration. The Parish Council supported the previous application on the basis that the proposed building would have no impact on any neighbours, itwould only be used for storage as it has no access to a power supply and it would be inkeeping with the existing stable block.
It was therefore agreed to supports this application again. The proposal supports an activefarming business and the National Park is a working environment, not a museum, and as such new and more suitable buildings will continue to be needed for farming enterprises and anumber of other similar buildings have been approved in the National Park. The simple fact that it is in an isolated position does not negate its necessity; in fact, it could be argued it isneeded even more. It also appears to be in accordance with the DNPA Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan 2006-2026 particularly the core strategic aim ofFarming being “To assist in sustaining viable farming and forestry systems as a vital element in the local economy particularly in ways that further the purposes of National Parkdesignation.”. The document also states, “Farming is the principal land use in the Dartmoor National Park and is vital to sustain its special qualities.”
(ii) 0470/23 & 0471/23 – Northway Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Variation of conditions 2, 15 and 16 of approved planning application ref: 0398/22 for re-sitingof existing driveway and entrance, replacement of single glazing to double glazing throughout main house, replacement guttering and downpipes (partially retrospective), new slate tents tochimneys, alterations to the fabric of the tractor barn and the incorporation of a new renewable energy strategy comprising of a biomass boiler
Members noted that planning permission was obtained on 14/12/22 (0398/22 and 0399/22) to make a number of changes at Northway but in particular the re-siting of their entrance way.Work started this year but as a consequence of substantial rainfall as soon as the new proposed driveway was opened up, it resulted on flooding their home of the hill and they havehad to rethink a number of aspects of the planned new driveway. Also Highways have stated that they wanted the gateposts to be set back from the road. The applicants have decided toremove a number of changes such as the cattle grid (now to be gates) and removing the drain from the top of the drive and replacing it with a tumbled granite Sett Lip, different corematerials etc.
The Parish Council supported the previous successful application, in particular with regard tothe driveway on the basis that “…The proposed re-routing of the driveway addresses current inadequacies in terms of practical access and safety, including egress from the property ontothe highway…”. With that in mind, members agreed to support this revised application.
(b) Planning Decisions/Withdrawals
(i) 0394/23 & 0395/23 – Pink Cottage, Ponsworthy,
Increase existing chimney height (revised drawings)
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional consent.c)
(b) Enforcement Matters
Following the matter raised at the last meeting regarding planning application 0252/21, the clerk advised that the Enforcement Officer has e-mailed the agent who dealt with the original application andsubsequent complaint and hopes to have some more news soon.
(Cllrs Bibby, Jones & Guest)
(a) Payments
Members received and approved the following payment:
- Clerk’s salary and disbursements (November & December) – £511.04
(c) Budget 2024-25
Members received draft proposals showing 0%, 2% and 5% increases. There was a discussion aboutthe Widecombe Fair income which members agreed required more detailed consideration at a later date.
Based on the discussion, the Finance Committee will make some minor amendments to the proposed figures and present them in January’s meeting for a final decision.
Members briefly discussed the interest which the Council’s reserves are currently generating and whether this can be improved.
Potholes and other highways maintenance issues can be reported direct to DCC:
Online: https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/
Telephone: 0345 155 1004
Email: customer@devon.gov.uk
Members received a response from the Highways Officers in response to matters previously raised:‘The cattle grid being full has already been logged and the lads should be going up their shortly to clean it out. I have spoken to the Public rights of Way Warden who is responsible for Thornhill Lane and he informs me thatthere is a scheme in for the New year to try and deal with the constant issues. Whether they can be alleviated entirely is debatable, but hopefully considerably lessened.
Issues with water at Easter Lane. I have been up there and had a look and will report the broken drainage. I listened to the flow of water from that hole and the gully near by and checked the other drainage andeverything appeared to be fine.
The issue is the amount of water. All highway drainage can cope most of the time but not with extreme orprolonged rain.
There is the shear amount of water coming off the moor and down Easter Lane Cross and overwhelming thedrainage.
The last time I went up and looked at the drainage here after contact from a MOP, the bulk of the water comingonto the road was from a field entrance opposite Great Dunstone Farm, higher ground. I have looked at the drainage here a number of times over the years and I am really not sure there is anythingelse we can do here; it is what it is. Great Dunstone is a low point and through natural seepage and water finding the path of least resistance on the highway, water from higher land will find its way here to join thestream.’
It was agreed to ask Highways to clear the four drains on Widecombe Hill (above Southway and NorthwayFarm). These have been reported online but Highways need to come with a machine and dig back the whole verge.
Members are reminded that they have not received the statutory notice of this business to be transacted and should therefore recognise that any decision made may be taken to be unlawful if challenged in the future
Cllr Bibby reported that there were three applicants for the shop but only one applicant came to the interview with the National Trust. It is going to be an art gallery and gift shop.
Another matter raised was the parking around the school from the bottom of Southcombe Hill to beyond the school. Widecombe Fair Committee has agreed, in principle, to the school using its field for parking.Historically, Highways have objected to this as children would have to cross the road.
Cllr Bibby advised that the Air Ambulance no longer has to rely on lighting masts to land at night. Shesuggested that the Council might wish to explore possible sites in Widecombe again now that there is no requirement to operate lights using a mobile phone (the lack of mobile phone signal being a barrier previously).
Cllr Edwards advised that stock must not be kept on land designated as a night-landing site. This had also been a barrier.
The date of the next meeting is Thursday 4 January 2024 at 7.30opm in Church House, Widecombe.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ………………………………………