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Parish Council Minutes October 2000

Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 26thOctober 2000

PRESENT : Mr.N.Smerdon (Chairman), Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.S.Booty,Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.M.Pascoe, Mrs.M.Phipps, Mrs.N.Tempest, Mr.C.Whale.

APOLOGIES : Cllr.Mr.H.Whitley, Mr.M.Yates and WPC Evans.

IN ATTENDANCE : Cllr.Mrs.L.Whittaker, two members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.

2366 MINUTES : The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 28th September 2000 were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.


(i) Proposed Change of WPC meetings schedule : the Clerk had distributed apaper explaining the advantages of holding the Parish Council meetings earlier in the month. There are two main benefits (i) the minutes of the meetings willbe published earlier in the Parish Link and (ii) more of the meetings will be held at Leusdon.

After discussion it was decided to hold future Parish Council Meetings on the FIRST THURSDAY EACH MONTH starting on 4th January 2001 at Leusdon. Meetings inFebruary, March and April would be held at Church House and for May, June & July at Leusdon.

Mrs.Phipps, the booking secretary for Leusdon Memorial Hall, would arrange the relevant bookings at Leusdon.

(ii) TDC Review of Car parks : in response to the Clerk’s letter to the Chairman of TDC, Cllr C.J.Brimblecombe, complaining about the variousinefficiencies of the District Council a lengthy letter from him was read to the meeting. This letter pointed out that TDC had been charged a business rate of£4,612 per year backdated to 1992 on the car park at Widecombe. Thus the level of subsidy for such car parks was a considerable burden on rate payers. TDC wereseeking to find ways of reducing this subsidy.

The Parish Council felt there was little they could do as the officers fromTDC themselves had indicated that it would probably not be cost effective to install charging machines at Widecombe.

The meeting still felt that many of the communications from the District Council were lacking in understanding of the needs of the Rural Community andwere an inefficient use of manpower and resources.

(iii) Noticeboard on the National Trust’s Church House wall : a letter fromMr.K.Robinson of the NT was received. In it he requested that the Parish Council’s notice board on the Church House wall be re-painted gloss black.

After consideration it was decided to conform to his request. Mr.Smerdon would contact Mr.C.Dry to make the change of colour.

(iv) TDC Toilet Lights at Widecombe : the Clerk has contacted TDC after 5 months of nil response to again request that a new timer be installed on thelights at the public toilets in the car park. This would be done on 1st November according to Janet Ventre from TDC.

(v) Methodist Church Repairs : the Clerk reported on a telephone conversation with Lesley Smith of the Devon Association of PCs regarding the use of ParishCouncil funds. The Council was informed that all money that came to the Parish Council from what ever source had to be accounted in the same way according toPublic Finance rules of accounting.

Unfortunately this precluded the Parish Council from making a financialcontribution towards the up-keep of the Methodist Church at Dunstone.

(vi) New Houses at Widecombe : the Chairman had requested the Clerk to obtaina progress report from Hastoe Housing Association on the compiling of the list of ‘families’ eligible for consideration to occupy the new houses.

The Clerk reported that during November some 15 such ‘families’ would be visited by representatives from the Housing Association and TDC. This list wouldbe supplied to the Parish Council in time for the 23rd. November meeting.

The Council was particularly concerned that they would be consulted not justinformed. The Clerk would make this point to the Association.

Concern was also expressed that the Parish Council will be consulted on thematter of the finishings of the new houses. In particular ; the colour, the fencing and the landscaping was considered to be very important. The Clerk wouldconvey this request to both the Association and Graham Wall the Senior Planning Officer at DNPA.

(vii) Motor Events 2000/01 DNPA : a communication from DNPA received in August asking for views on these events was received after the date formeaningful consultation. The Clerk had complained to the DNPA and received a reply from Alison Kohler indicating that the details of these events cannot bemade public before the start.

Representatives from the Parish Council should call in at Parke to see theroutes and then inform the Council to obtain their view. There was insufficient time for all this to happen. In future a better method would be sought.

Councillors wished to complain directly to the Chief Executive, Nic Atkinson about the dangers and inconveniences caused by such events. It was felt that thespeed limit was abused and that there was a lot of noise caused by engines and tyres, often in the middle of the night.

(viii) TDC Request for details of all the Community Groups in the Parish : the Clerk was instructed to inform TDC that the Parish Council did not keep aninventory of such information.


(i) Widecombe and District Sports Group Review of the Trust : a letter from Mrs.A.Claxton (Treasurer) has been received requesting a review of the CharityTrust for the North Hall Playing Field.

In the letter a number of points relating to the Trust Management Committeeand Public Liability with regard to the Children’s Play Area were raised.

After discussion the Clerk was asked to contact both the DNPA, from whom thefield is rented, and the Parish Council’s Insurance company (Cornhill Insurance) in an attempt to clarify the current position. In the short term the Sportsgroup has taken the precaution of including the Play Area within the Public Liability cover with the Devon Playing Fields Association.

It may be necessary to seek legal help to clarify the terms of the Deed of Trust.

(ii) Parish Tithe Map : a letter of thanks from Peter Hirst (Local History Group) was received regarding the recent inspection of the Tithe Map. Hesupplied two coloured photographs to illustrate the condition of this Map. The Devon County Archivist has given a report on the possible repair and futurestorage of the map. It was reassuring that she indicated that it could be done for approximately £500 by the Devon Record Office when they move to their newlarge modern facilities.

(iii) Register of Electors – non-responders : a nil response to this requestwas decided. However, the Parish Council felt that the important issue was not the small number of non-responders but the increasing number of secondhome-owners who only pay half the Council Tax. It was felt that home-owners who could afford a second home should also be able to afford to pay a full CouncilTax.


(i) 0015/04A Conversion at Old Langworthy Farm. DNP granted

(ii) 0648/00 New Bungalow at Oldsbrim : outline planning. Council notrecommended and felt that it was unlikely that the Planning Authority would agree at this Site.

(iii) 0628/00 Agricultural Building, Corndon Farm, Ponsworthy ; Council to recommend but query the spreading out of the buildings-should be closer to theexisting.

(iv) 0560/00 Old Glebe House, Widecombe : amended plans recommended.

(v) 0637/00 Conversion of Redundant Buildings, Natsworthy Farm, Ponsworthy. Recommended for approval with use of sympathetic materials.

(vi) 0615/00 New stock building store etc at Uphill, Ponsworthy. Recommended but query visual impact of the building – suggest a different site behindexisting Farmhouse.

(vii) 0611/00 Erection of Polytunnel at Sweaton Farm, Ponsworthy. It wasnoted that this tunnel was already in place. Query retrospective application.

(viii) 0015/00 Agricultural timber framed implement shed at Sweaton Farm,Ponsworthy. Result of Appeal ; upheld 28th September.

(ix) Building works at Greenacres, Leusdon : the DNPA to be informed that notall the corrugated iron buildings have yet been removed as agreed by the Planning Consent.


(i) Proposed Cattle Grid at Buckland Bridge : a letter of support fromFountain Forestry has been received. However, they requested that in the event of the Grid being built it should not be sited on the Woodland side of thebridge.

The Clerk was asked to request a progress report from DCC on the financialbid for the Grid.

(ii) Various items of road conditions were reported by Councillors : Potholes in the road at Foxworthy; road sweeping plan received at the last meeting to be questioned and hopefully improved. (Some roads have not been swept for 3years). Verges appear to be cut without any consistency. There seems to be no logic about where the cutting machine stops and then restarts again. The Clerkis requested to ask DCC Highways Department to telephone the Chairman for details of these inconsistencies.


(i) Traffic Problems at Holne Bridge : the Clerk was asked to inform thePolice that there were frequent traffic problems at Holne Bridge caused by the congestion of people using the River Dart for canoeing. Car parking at this pointand also at Newbridge was being abused by those involved in this sporting activity.

(ii) DNPA have made a request for further supplies of flat granite stones for use on the Green at Widecombe. Mr.Booty kindly offered to help.

(iii) Dartmoor Magazine : a letter printed in this magazine informed its readers that £15,000 is being spent checking on speeding vehicles motoringacross the Moors.


(i) Income (a) Widecombe & District Sports Group Water Rates £13.11

(b) Interest on Investment Account September £34.85

(ii) Expenditure (a) Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements £141.76

(iii) Precept 2000/2001 Recommended to be kept at current level of £2,500

The Chairman Closed the Meeting at 9.45 p.m.

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