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Parish Council Minutes October 2005

Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th Oct. 2005

PRESENT:Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.Newbolt-Young, Mr.S.Booty, Mr.S.Morley, Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.Pascoe, Mr.Tame and Mrs.N.Tempest.


IN ATTENDANCE:Cllr.Mrs.Morgan, WPC Evans, three members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper(Tel. 01548 854478)


WPC Sarah Evans informed the meeting that in the current period there has been 1014 reported incidents in the area – only 5 of which were in the Parish of Widecombe.None of the five incidents were crimes.

2740MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st September 2005 were amended and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.


(a)Dartmoor Tourist Association:an E-mail reply indicted that the Associations web-site would now have reference to the Widecombe web-site for all matters of public interest.

(b)Risk Management: copies of the final document have been distributed to all members and the contents agreed. One copy for the file was signed and dated by the Madam Chairman. The Clerk reported that he has been in touch with both the Land Registry at Plymouth and The Commons Registry at County Hall. It has been discovered that the title number registered at Plymouth under The village Green is in fact not the Green itself but the path adjacent to the Green despite the fact that the Solicitors letter of 1983 states that it is so.The Clerk was asked to contact WBW Solicitors at Newton Abbot and ask that they check their records.

(c)Widecombe Fair Review:WPC Evans reported that from the police point of view this year’s Fair was one of the best. There had been trouble with allowing traders through the police cordon as several of them did not have passes. Other items were reported but it was agreed that a full discussion would be postponed until the February 2006 WPC meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond are to be invited to this meeting when next year Fair Day planning would occur.

(d)North Hall Playing Field/Widecombe and District Sports Group the Clerk has checked the Trustees original documentation which shows that the responsibility of the care of the hedge and grass lies with the members of the Trust and not the Parish Council. The Clerk has replied to WDSG to this effect.

(e)Airwave O2 Ltd Proposed Telecom Development at Widecombe: the Clerk reported that during the month he received Pre-Planning consultation documents from O2 which was posted to the Chairman and Vice Chairman.Subsequent to this the Full Planning application to DNPA has been received. There was a full and lengthy discussion on the Application and consequential issues involved.It was decided unanimously that the Council would strongly object to this application. The Clerk was asked to write to the County Solicitor to ascertain whether DCC owned the strip of land which was the proposed site for the mast and associated control boxes.


(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.

(b)Grant of Planning for:Alterations at Uphill, rebuilding of timber retail facility at Badgers Holt, Two-storey extension at 2, Fernhill Cottages and single storey extension etc at Watergate.

(c)Amended plans for information only at Southcombe, Badgers Holt, Uphill and Lower Blackaton.

(d)Appeal Refusal by DNPA of Listed Consent for Conservatory at Langworthy Farm.

(e)0747/0510m timber mono-pole antenna by O2 Airwaves Ltd. [see 2741 (e) above]


(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes.

(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Releases, Community Consultation events on Local Development Framework.

(c)DCC:Monthly News Round-up, appointment of a new Chief Executive – Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

(d)DAPC:Envelope of various items including annual AGM report

(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


(a)The monthly map for attention of the Highway Dept. was highlighted for return

(b)Salt/Grit Bags:Mr.Nosworthy offered to complete a map to show the recommended sites for next year’s grit bags.


(a)Newbridge Site Meeting: Madam Chairman reported that those present at the meeting were favourably disposed to the ideas to widen the bridge. English Heritage now understands the problem and it is hoped that changes can be made.

(b)DNPA liaison meeting:Mr.Newbolt-Young reported on the Authorities performance assessment meeting. He was asked about the relationship between WPC and DNPA. Other than occasional planning differences of opinion said relationships were working well.




(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£3,885

(b)Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for September £297.11

(c)Current AccountBalance at 30.09.05£3,649.82

(d)History group grant for camera screen£86.96

(e)Strimming of the village£80.00

(f)Toilet Hire for Fair day£123.38

(g)Transfer back to Deposit Account£1,200


There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.

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