These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 4th Oct. 2007
PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Searle, Mr.Smerdon & Mrs. Tempest
APOLOGIES: Mike Jeffrey
IN ATTENDANCE: PC 4486 Dudley and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
- PC DudleyÂs Policing Report for the period 7th September  4th October: there have been 7 incident reports  4 of which were crime related. Crimes were committed in the early hours of 02.10. Enquires are on going into this the second such series of thefts. Members of the public are asked to be vigilant and report any suspicious persons or vehicles by contacting the police on 999. There were no major incidents reported on Fair Day.
- There followed a discussion on the need for CCTV to be sited at the centre of the village. It was agreed that Mr.Newbolt-Young will look into costs, the Clerk will inquire as to where the PC can use public money to subsidise such and initiative and PC Dudley will seek expert/technical advice from the police.
2899MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th September 2007 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.
- Widecombe Fair Review: a check has been made on the number and type of stall outlets on the Green. It was found that they were within the agreed contract issued to the franchisee. It was agreed to invite Mr. & Mrs Raymond to the November meeting. It was also agreed to invitea number of representatives from the Fair committee to a PC meeting in the New Year. The Clerk distributed a spreadsheet of income and expenditure for Fair day during the past five years. As the profit made has been dropping steadily it was unanimously agreed that an increase in the Rent for the Green should be substantial  possibly as much as £800.
- Members Register of Interests: the Clerk distributed an occasional paper from The Standards Board that explained further the importance of understanding the declaration of interests.
- Housing Needs:a letter from Hastoe HA has been received which indicated that building on the two new houses at Brook Lane is likely to start in the New Year. There was further discussion about the possibility of conducting a Housing Needs Survey. This was postponed until further evidence of a potential Exception Site could be identified.
- DNPA Chief Executive Retirement:The Clerk has written a letter to Nick Atkinson in appreciation of his work at DNPA. In his reply Nick praised the work of the Parish Council.
- Boundary White fence at Coach Park:a site meeting with Sue Edwards from TDC has been arranged for 22nd Oct 2007 to discuss any improvements that might be made.
- Grass and Hedge Cutting in the Village:after discussion it was agreed to ask Mr. Geoff Partridge to tender for the regular cutting of the weeds and the North Hall hedge.
- Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
- Grant of Planning for: Two-storey extension at South Lake Cottage.
- Refusal of Planning:Refurbishment of barn at Lower Blackaton and also Tetra Mast at Bowden Barn.
- 0765/07 Replacement front windows at The Old Smithy:Support
- 0740/07 & 0741 Listed:Conversion of stone barn at Higher Venton Support
- 0796/07 Change of use of Barn at Lizwell Farm:Support
2902CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:
- TDC:Agendas and Minutes, LDF is withdrawn, concessionary fares & strategic partnership.
- DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, Access Forum Annual Report 2006.
- DCC:Devon in Touch, Devontalk and Foot & Mouth up date.
- DAPC:training opportunities.
- Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
- Maintenance:map completed to show a number of pot holes in need of repair
- New Bridge:thanks were expressed to Brian Booty for his prompt action in stopping the driver of a vehicle who was causing huge damage to New Bridge. After discussion it was decided to write to DCC with regard to straightening and widening the bridge to prevent similar damage in the future.
- Trevor Eveleigh gave an up date on the decisions being made to close many rural Post Offices. He said there would be a six weeks consultation, including Widecombe P.O, taking place from February 2008.
- Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,506.20
- ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for Sept. £283.06
- Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£2,983.93
- Income:TDC half year precept £1,875.00 + Raymond Amusements £2,000
- Completion of annual audit: Internal = £60.00, external = £141£201.00
- Strimming of the Village£100.00
- Rent of Car Park for Fair Day£490
- Town Criers costs£85.00
- NGS Events Management£587.50
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.