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Parish Council Minutes October 2009

                                                                WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL

                                                            Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 1st October 2009
in the Church House, Widecombe
 Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Nosworthy, Seale, Tame, Tempest and Wallace.  In attendance: County Councillor Gribble Clerk: Suzanna Hughes  Present:  2 members of the public OPEN FORUM No comments. 3072     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from:Cllr Tame due to illness. PC Andrew Dudley. 3073     DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.None declared.  3074     RATIFICATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 2nd September 2009 were APPROVED by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record. 3075     POLICE REPORT PC Dudley was not able to attend the meeting but reported that there was no crime to report. He is hoping to attend the next meeting on 5th November and will be happy to address any concerns. Cllr Tempest wished to thank PC Dudley for keeping a close eye on Leusden Church following the attempted theft of the collection box.   3076     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT  3077     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT             Cllr Jeffrey was not present at the meeting. 3078     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a)        Parish Planning – to discuss process and benefitsThe Chairman suspended standing orders to allow Martin Rich from the Community Council of Devon to speak to members about the benefits and process of putting together a Parish Plan or ‘Community Consultation’. In summary, the main benefit of producing such a plan is to strengthen relationships with local authorities, service providers and the police etc and avoid being marginalised in terms of being offered finance and support from outside organisations. Whilst the process is driven by Parish Councils, the project is managed by a steering group of members of the parish who will then co-ordinate the consultation process. The cost of producing such a plan is between £1,000 and £2,000 depending on the depth and method of analysis of responses from the questionnaire. Funding could be available from the DNPA although applications need to be submitted by Christmas. Grants from the Community Council of Devon are no longer available.  He explained that the time frame for completing a plan is between 12-18 months and once completed they have a shelf life of around 5-7 years. 50% of Parish Councils have now completed a Parish Plan. The role of the Community Council of Devon is to act as mentors throughout the process and they are happy to attend meetings.  Members AGREED that this would be discussed in more detail at the next meeting but stressed that a clear need and benefit should be identified before committing to such a project.   (b)        Adoption of BT kiosks & removal of telephone serviceThe clerk reported that a letter had been received from BT inviting the Parish Council to adopt the telephone kiosk at Dunstone, Widecombe for £1. The implications of this would be that the telephone would be removed from the box leaving the kiosk which would then become the responsibility of the Parish Council. Although only a small number of calls had been made from the kiosk, it was AGREED that the Parish Council would decline the invitation on the basis that the telephone is still used in the parish (in what could be an emergency) due to the poor mobile telephone signal.             (c)        Widecombe Fair 2009 – reviewCllr Morley reported that overall it was considered that the Fair was a success, suffering no problems with average attendance and no rain. The Raymonds have requested to attend November’s meeting and it was agreed that the clerk would write to them.   (d)        Remembrance Service – arrangementsThe Chairman advised the clerk that there was no service in Widecombe around an external war memorial. Cllr Nosworthy reminded the Chairman that there would be a two minute silence at 11.00am on 11th November in the village square.   (e)           Commons Act 2006 – Section 19 – Notice of an application to correct registerThe clerk notified members that the applicant seeks the removal of land registered in the commons register as Land in the Manor of Widecombe and part Hemel Down and part Bonehill Down in the parish of Widecombe-in-the-Moor to correct a mistake made by the Commons Registration Authority (DCC). This was noted by members.  3079     PLANNING(a)        New applications (i)             1 Higher Aish Cottage, PoundsgateTwo storey extension to provide additional living accommodation Amended plans  No objections.   (ii)            Longhouse Farm, Lower Cator, WidecombeChange of use of shippon to kitchen and change of use of existing linhay to form self-contained unit of holiday accommodation    Additional information  The clerk advised members that whilst the DNPA do not encourage the conversion of shippons, it did believe that in this case the conversion would enhance the building.   Members agreed with this opinion.  (viii)      Tavistock Inn, Poundsgate             New ground floor window in north gable               No objections.                         (b)        Decisions(i)         Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe Erection of shelter in beer garden                                                 Permission granted, subject to conditions.             (ii)         Heron Cottage, JordanGarden room                                       Permission granted, subject to conditions.                          (iii)        Bagpark, Widecombe Reconstruction of existing glazed roof over boot room and new rear entrance and rear porch  Permission granted, subject to conditions.                           (iv)        Uphill Farm, Ponsworthy                                    Sand school/manege with landscaping                                       Permission granted, subject to conditions.              (c)        DNP Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment: The Panel concluded that the Parish Field was a suitable site for affordable homes. A full report would be sent in due course.  (d)        The Chairman informed members that the TETRA enquiry will re-open on 28th October at 10.00am at Parke.  3080     CORRESPONDENCE            The following items were noted and placed in the briefcase for circulation: (a)        Citizens Advice Bureau – request for funding. It was AGREED that granting of money to external organisations should be specifically budgeted for when the precept is agreed and not distributed on demand.(a)        TDC – Minutes of Council Meeting – 14 September 2009             (b)        Dartmoor Access Forum Annual Report 2008            (c)        NHS – RD & Express             (d)        Richard Younger-Ross – Advice Surgery Dates 3081     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Members were given the opportunity to mark potholes and road defect on the map which the clerk would then send to the Highways department. Concerns were expressed about the lack of communication between DCC and the contractors. The Chairman sought the advice and support of County Cllr Gribble in this respect. 3082     DELEGATES REPORTS           None.  3083     MATTERS FOR INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN        (a)        The Chairman advised members that 18 months had passed since the trees on the Village Green had been inspected. Last time, a grant had been awarded by the DNPA . Cllr Tame has agreed to deal with this. 3084     FINANCE (a)        The following payments were approved:§ Cheque no 000679 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for September                 £233.40 (The clerk advised members of the NALC clerk’s salary increase equating to 1%  which will be backdated from April 2009) § Cheque no 000680 – Leusden Church  – grant (as agreed in Sept’s meeting)           £75.00§ Cheque no 000681 – St Pancras Church – grant (as agreed in Sept’s meeting)       £75.00 § Cheque no 000682 – Event Hire Solutions – Toilet Hire                                           £138.00§ Cheque no 000683 – Paul Way – Fair Day Car Park hire                                        £512.00 § Cheque no 000685 – Widecombe Fair Committee                                                   £916.61(Town Criers (50% share) £98, NGS Events Management Ltd (25% share) £715.43,        P & C Entertainment Ltd, £103.18)§ Cheque no 000686 – Geoff Partridge – village maintenance                                    £300.00                (b)           Income, to note:§ Second instalment of TDC precept                                                                     £2,500 § Raymond Amusements                                                                                                   £2,340                         (c)        Account balances: § Current account – £2562.35 (after payment of above cheques)§ Deposit account £4834.38                                                      There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.59 pm.  Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….     
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of
the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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