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Parish Council Minutes October 2010


WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL                                Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 7th October 2010
in the Church House, Widecombe Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest and Wallace. Clerk: Suzanna HughesMembers of the Public: None OPEN FORUMNo members of the public present. 3190     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCEReceived from: § Cllr Seale§ District Cllr Jeffrey 3191     DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTMembers were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. § Cllr Smerdon declared a personal interest in item 3196 (a).§ Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in items 3196 (a). 3192     RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThe minutes of the meeting dated 2nd September 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record. 3193     POLICE REPORTNo crime report. 3194     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCllr Gribble reported that he had met with Cllr Wallace to sort out the County’s financial support for the Post Office. Support will continue but will be halved from £5000 to around £2500. Cllr Wallace is also intending to support a library in the Café on the Green. Cllr Newbolt-Young commented that he very much appreciates everything Cllr Wallace is doing. This was agreed by all. Cllr Gribble also reported on his meeting with Cllr Smerdon and DCC Highways Superintendent, Ian Sampson details of which will be discussed at item 3199 (a). Cllr Gribble will be supportive of the Parish Council views on planning applications. And finally, he commented how he had enjoyed Widecombe Fair despite the unfortunate weather. 3195     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORTNo report. 3196     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a)           Widecombe Fair Cllr Smerdon reported it was a very successful day but the poor weather impacted on the number of visitors. The police reported no problems. There was an incident in the car park involving a number of vehicles but this was a private matter and the insurers of those involved would deal with it. Nobody was hurt. Cllr Morley added that the main aim of the Widecombe Fair Committee is to put the fair on with any excess money being donated to charity. There would be no excess this year.            The clerk confirmed that the Raymonds had requested to attend the Parish Council meeting in November.(b)        Military Shell             The clerk reported that she had approached the National Trust about whether they would be prepared to collect the money from a box should one be sited by the shell and was awaiting a response. Further discussion was deferred until next month.(c)        Grant to History Group             It was agreed that despite the grant not being used for the purchase of a projector, the History Group should be able to keep the money granted to them to use as they see fit.             Cllr Newbolt-Young reported that he had negotiated with the school that the Parish Council meets there during the winter. The Parish Council will be able to use the projector at the school to view planning applications. 3197     PLANNING(a)        New applications/appeals (i)         0462/10 – Installation of one new 8m telephone pole (6.1m above ground) at Lower Bonehill Farm, Widecombe      The clerk read a letter of objection from a parishioner.             Having looked at the plans, it was agreed that the Parish Council would object to the application on the grounds of detrimental visual impact.                                       0461/10 – demolition of existing building and erection of new agricultural building (25m x                                   18m) at Drywell Farm, Widecombe         No objections. (iv)        0447/10 – Erection of garage/car port and single storey rear extension at Ravenswood, Leusdon, Poundsgate      No objections.             (b)        Decisions(i)         0395/10 – Renewal of extant permission to demolish and replace existing barn with gym and swimming pool, and new conservatory to farmhouse, Higher Hannaford Farm, Poundsgate Granted conditionally. (ii)             0351/10 – Change of use from elderly persons dwelling to a holiday let, Southway Farm, Widecombe Granted conditionally.(iii)           0416/10 – New entrance porch, Springdown, Poundsgate Granted conditionally                         (iv)      0326/10 – Small hydro electric scheme, land to rear of Lower Aish, Poundsgate                                     Granted  conditionally (v)       0324/10 – Extension (48sqm) to existing barn for storage of farm equipment, Zellions Farm, Poundsgate      Granted conditionally     (vi)        For information only, the clerk reported that the DNPA had been sent details of a Felling Licence application for Hatchwell Farm. (c)        The clerk reported that she had received copies of correspondence relating to planning applications at Blackdown Piper. The correspondence relates to a planning application site notice which was allegedly removed and whether or not this makes the planning decision unlawful. The correspondence was placed in the circulation folder so that members could read it at their leisure.3198     CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence, not requiring discussion, was placed in the briefcase for circulation amongst members after the meeting:(a)           DALC Newsletter – Sept/Oct 2010 (b)           Dartmoor and Exmoor Low Carbon Festival – 9th and 10th October(c)           Village Green – September 2010 (d)           National Housing Federation – Affordable housing keeps villages alive(e)           NHS Twentyfourseven (f)            The Playing Field3199     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Following his meeting with Ian Sampson, DCC’s Highways Superintendent, Cllr Smerdon reported that whilst Devon County Council are not currently in a position to be able to undertake a full repair to the ford to resolve the problem, future options will be investigated and it is likely to be considered in the 2012-2013 budget. In the interim period it is hoped to have some supplementary signage installed to make drivers aware of the risk of grounding out. At the same meeting, concerns where also raised about the drainage features between Ponsworthy and Sweaton Farm. As a result of this, DCC has instructed the lengthsman to clear the existing drainage feature and the possibility of a small drainage scheme to resolve the problem of the spring issuing onto the highway will be investigated. The finger post sign at Ponsworthy Splash will also be repaired and moved slightly to minimise any damage in the future. (b)        A letter had been received from DCC about Winter Service on Devon’s Highways. With the Parish Council having to review its grit bins, it was agreed that the clerk would circulate the letter by email and members would comment accordingly. With regard to primary and secondary networks, members agreed that a request should be made to extend the gritting to Poundsgate or at the very least to the school. (c)        Ian Sampson, DCC Highways Superintendent, wished to thank the Parish Council for providing him with a monthly list of highways issues within Widecombe in the Moor.  He reported that the potholes have already been submitted to South West Highways for repair and he has also measured and marked several areas within the village centre, where it is hoped that maintenance patching will be undertaken in the near future. Concerns were raised about the various blocked leats. Cllr Nosworthy reported that water was running from Butts Corner to Poundsgate due to a blocked leat and the leat in Poundsgate was also blocked. Leats requiring clearing were marked on the maintenance/pothole map to be sent to Highways.(d)        No other highways issues were reported. 3200     DELEGATES REPORTS3201     MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN Cllr Newbolt-Young reported that the school is going through a time of potential change. South Dartmoor College are seeking academy status and may take in surrounding schools including Widecombe. There are currently 72 children attending.         3202     FINANCE             (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:§ Cheque no 000716 – P Way (Hire of car park for Widecombe Fair) – £512 § Cheque no 000717 – Event Hire Solutions (Portable toilets for Widecombe Fair) – £141.00§ Cheque no 000718 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £227.40 § Cheque no 000719 – G Partridge (Village maintenance) – £300.00(b)        Receipt of the second instalment of the precept – £2,750 – was noted. (c)        The clerk made a request to attend a ‘Pre-election briefing’ organised by DALC at a cost of £25 + VAT. This cost, however, would be shared between the clerk’s four parishes. The cost to Widecombe Parish Council is therefore £6.25 + VAT. This was agreed.(d)        The monthly bank reconciliation was noted.                                                        There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….  
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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