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Parish Council Minutes October 2013

                                                                     WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
             Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 3 October 2013 in Church House, Widecombe

Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Fenton, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest & Wallace
In attendance: County Cllr George Gribble, Ann and Phil Raymond (Raymond Amusements)
Members of the Public: 1
Anthony Beard
Mr Beard informed members that he believed that the Saxon Well is on the property of 1 Manor Cottages. However, on closer inspection of the plan this was disputed by members who believed that the well is not situated within the boundary of 1 Manor Cottages and is on parish land.
• District Cllr Jeffrey
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 5 September 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley was unable to attend but sent the following written report:
‘4 incident reports were recorded. These included a report of a dog attacking another dog at Widecombe Fair and a report of lost walkers near Newbridge on 17 September. The walkers made their own way back to their car just prior to the Dartmoor Rescue Group being called out.
1 crime was recorded – a report under the 1871 Dogs Act relating to the injury caused to a border collie by a white and brown Jack Russell terrier at Widecombe Fair. So far we have been unable to trace the female owner of the Jack Russell.
With regard to staffing, PCSO Carolyn Studd has left Ashburton. She is currently training to be a Police Constable and will eventually serve in Torquay. Positive news is that we have an additional Police Constable on the Neighbourhood Team at Ashburton. PC Will Young is the local officer for Buckfastleigh but he will also respond to incidents in the Widecombe area.
My next Police Surgery is on Tuesday 22nd October from 10-11am at the Information Centre in Ashburton. I can be contacted at Conway House, Ashburton via the central no. of 101. Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no. 0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police. The Neighbourhood Team can also be contacted by e-mail –’
Cllr Booty informed members that number plates were being stolen from vehicles in and around Ashburton.
Cllr Gribble commented that he had attended the Tour of Britain cycle race and reported that it had been a very positive event. He was aware that concerns had been raised by the Chairman about accessibility for emergency vehicles. He advised members that he had arranged a meeting with Scott Riddell, DCC Highways, which will be attended by himself, the Chairman and Cllr Nosworthy on 9 October.
No report.
No reports.
(a) Widecombe Fair
Ann and Phil Raymond advised members that it had been a good fair this year with good weather and there were no traffic issues that they were aware of. They expressed that they are keen to attend next year. The Chairman thanked them for attending the meeting and advised them that the Council would be in touch with them soon about next year. The Raymonds then left the meeting.
Members were happy that Raymond Amusements should attend the Fair next year but agreed that the fee should increase by £100 to £2,800 as costs were increasing and the fee had not increased since 2011.
Cllr Routley commented that there were some traffic issues namely that the one way signs had been put out the day before the Fair which meant that traffic was being unnecessarily diverted. She also stated that some exhibitors had wished to leave the Fair early via Widecombe Hill and that in such cases a controlled convoy system could be offered.
Cllr Booty considered that some of the one-way signs were ambiguous (implying that the system only applied to Widecombe Fair traffic) and sometimes were not therefore being adhered to. The signs had also been ignored by a group of cyclists.
(b) Allocation of affordable housing
Members received a written and verbal report in respect of the recent allocation of one of the affordable homes to a family from outside the parish following a complaint made from a parishioner who had wished to bid for the property. After investigation it had transpired that Hastoe Housing Association had failed to notify the Parish Council that a property was becoming vacant and in turn the Parish Council had been unable to notify parishioners whom they knew were in need of housing. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the clerk should write a letter of complaint to Hastoe asking for assurances that the Parish Council would be notified of any future vacancies. It was also suggested that a representative from Hastoe attends a future meeting of the parish council to explain in detail the process of allocating properties.
(c) Bench outside National Trust shop
The clerk distributed some pictures of benches to replace the existing bench outside the National Trust shop. It was agreed that the decision should be delegated to the clerk
(d) Grant aid – request from History Group
Members received a request from the History Group for a grant towards the costs of building an archive centre for which they have now been donated a suitable site. It was agreed that the Parish Council would make a grant of £1000.
(e) Walkabout
The Chairman reported that he had conducted a walkabout of the village with Cllr Booty before Widecombe Fair in order to carry out a risk assessment. The report, attached, was noted and the following actions agreed:
(i) The clerk would report the broken fencing in the car park to Teignbridge District Council which was believed to be on TDC’s boundary.
(ii) Members approved the spending of £100 for planings for North Hall car park.
(iii) After investigations about the most suitable location for a sandbag store, it was agreed that the clerk would contact TDC to find out whether it could be sited in their car park.
(f) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’
The clerk advised that she had received a response from Stephen Scoffin about the Parish Council’s request for details of the Higher Uppacott application. He stated that at the moment, the figure quoted in the Round 1 bid which he has brought previously to the Parish Council for Higher Uppacott is something of a first estimate. DNPA’s Historic Buildings Officer, Keith McKay, has commissioned a Conservation Plan for the building which will give a clearer indication of what may be needed there. The draft report for that is due in November this year, and he has suggested that, if the Parish Council were happy with the idea, Keith and him could attend one of your meetings to discuss this further. Members agreed that this would be useful after November.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 00494/13 – Replacement of windows and front door at County Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 0477/13 – Installation of rooflight on rear of converted barn linked to house (retrospective) at Southway Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application.
(iii) 0512/13 – Erection of agricultural building (10m x 10m) at land at New Cott Farm Cottages, Poundsgate
Members agreed to object to this application on the grounds of its proposed positioning. Members believed that the proposed building should be sited nearer to existing buildings.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0411/13 – Replacement barn (213sqm) at Ponsworthy Farm, Ponsworthy
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(ii) 0372/13 – Conversion of barn to holiday let, Hayloft, Lower Cator, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members noted that DNPA has refused planning permission
(a) The following payments were approved:
Cheque no 000824 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (October) – £255.17
Cheque no 000825 – HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE) – £146.80
Cheque no 000826 – G Partridge (Village strimming work) – £300.00
Cheque no 000827 – Widecombe Fair Committee – £455.77 [50% share of Town Criers £89.50; 50% share of village relay link £191.27, 25% share of first aid cover £175.00]
(b) Members noted the receipt of the second instalment of the precept – £3,060
(c) Members received and noted the second quarter bank reconciliation
(a) Members noted the temporary prohibition of through traffic and parking from 4 – 8 November (Runnage Bridge to Grendon Cottage, Postbridge) to enable Devon Highways repairs to cattle grid
(b) Members wished the following highways issues to be brought to the attention of Devon County Council Highways Officer:
• Lower Blackaton – it appears that a culvert may have collapsed as cars often ground at this point
Members were informed of the following items of correspondence:
(a) DAPC AGM and Conference – Saturday 12 October – Westpoint Conference Centre, Exeter
(b) Council Tax reduction scheme – TDC consultation
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
AT 7.30pm

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.

On Sunday 8th September 2013 Simon Booty and Rod Newbolt-Young had a walk about The Widecombe Parish Council property consisting of the field, the Green, the square, tennis courts and play area and the possible area where the sand bags could be stored.
1. The field was well grazed and the fencing was intact. The fence on the South Eastern boundary by The Mill House needs re-straining complete with new straining post and about 4 new posts and some 10 metres of wire plus netting. A small tree needs to lopped in the same area. The top dividing hedge should be laid and re-fenced maybe this Winter. It was also noted that sheep had obviously been creeping in through the North hedge/wall that is the boundary between Teignbridge car park and our field. The wooden pale fence at the North Eastern corner of the car park had broken down and was lying on the ground over which sheep had been gaining access into the field. I believe that this boundary is the responsibility of TDC.
2. It was noted that the steep path leading from the North graveyard gate to the road still did not have any railings erected. I just happened to meet Bill Allen the following day and mentioned this to him and he assured me that he was trying to chivvy the contactor on.
3. The ‘dead’ chestnut tree that was noted on the walkabout earlier this year is still standing and actually has leaves on it now!
4. The 14 ft broken metal gate should be replaced ASAP. I also spoke to Bill Allen over this and he has assured me that he had not forgotten.
5. We viewed the bench outside the National Trust shop that had two large men sitting on it. I believe its still there intact.
6. We spoke to Trevor Eveleigh who we happened to meet on the square and asked about the tennis court/recreational area car park hard core that will be required in the Winter when it is wet. He stated that it is difficult to get one lorry load of gravel that he thinks is required for this job although it would be easier enough to get two lorry loads that will cost around £150. Trevor said that he would speak to the driver he knows to see if we could just get the one load.
7. We with Trevor then looked at the possible sand bag store that could be in the place of a dilapidated corrugated iron garage. Apparently there could be problems associated with The Church Council on this as I was informed that they would be prepared to allow this but at the expense of the Parish Council. In my opinion It would not be advisable for the Parish Council to spend money on a construction which is on the land of a different landowner! If there was any shelter to be constructed on Church land it should be at the expense of the landlord.
I thank Simon Booty who assisted me on this walk about.
Rod Newbolt-Young,
(Chairman Widecombe Parish Council)


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