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Parish Council Minutes October 2016

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 6 October 2016
in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Fenton, Morley, Routley, Southcombe & Tempest
Also present: County Cllr Gribble
Members of the Public: There were six members of the public present.
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
 Cllr R Whale
 Cllr M Welby
 Cllr S Booty
 District Cllr Jeffery
A representative from the East Shallowford Trust spoke about the planning application to be discussed at item 4051 (a) (i). Members were advised that concerns about the first application, which included scale, have now been addressed and the proposal has now been modified. The accommodation has been reduced, the development will be within the existing footprint and the building and materials will be sensitive to and will complement its surrounds.
A neighbour of East Shallowford expressed his objection to the application anticipating that too many people will be visiting it. Whilst the numbers have reduced since the first application, in is view, they have not reduced enough. He objects to it being an educational centre and considers that it is not appropriate for this area. There was also concern about traffic. Finally, he did not consider it appropriate that the farm is used by children not connected to Providence House.
Another neighbour commented that the accommodation has reduced but the overall development is much the same as the first application. She believed that the planning officer’s reasons for objections have still not been addressed. Concerns included: overdevelopment, commercial use rather than farm diversification, intensity of use which will have a knock-on effect on the infrastructure and land around and black holes in accommodation levels – these could be increased significantly without the need for further planning applications.
Councillors were reminded of their responsibility o continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and to declare any disclosable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting.
Cllr Fenton declared an interest in item 4051 (a) (i) as a Trustee of East Shallowford Farm.
Cllr Southcombe declared an interest in item 4051 (a)(i).
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1 September 2016 were approved and signed by the
Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
Cllr Gribble reported that his grant of £500 towards the defibrillator is being processed and will be paid into the Paris Council’s accounts shortly.
He commented on the proposed boundary changes and advised that the Boundary Commission is recommending increasing the number of District Councillors from 46 to 47. The ‘Moorland’ ward (District Cllr
Jeffery’s ward) will become Tedburn and Mortonhampstead with one additional councillor and Widecombe
will fall into the ward of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh.
Finally, Cllr Gribble commented that he was pleased to see that CCTV will be installed at Newbridge.
Cllr Jeffery was not present at the meeting but sent a written report regarding the Electoral Review of
Teignbridge and the Boundary Commission’s recommendations (discussed by members at 4050 (d).
No reports.
(a) Defibrillator
The clerk advised that TDC are in the process of drawing up a licence to formalise the use of the
bus shelter for mounting the defibrillator in. There is an outstanding query about the electricity
supply. The defibrillator will be ordered once the licence terms have been agreed. In the meantime,
a representative from Teign Heartbeat would be available to speak to Councillors should they wish
and it was agreed to invite Mike Brokenshaw to the next meeting.
(b) Widecombe Fair
Members received some information about how other local shows operate in terms of their trade
stalls. The clerk also advised that Raymond Amusements have indicated that they would like to
attend Widecombe Fair again next year.
Cllr Fenton thought that the Widecombe Fair Committee was still interested in running the village
green. It was therefore agreed to write to the Secretary of Widecombe Fair and ask what their
intention is. Due to timescales, it would be preferable that a decision is made in November’s
(c) Sheep in Widecombe Village
Members received and noted a letter from Dartmoor Commoners’ Council regarding straying sheep.
(d) Electoral Review of Teignbridge: Draft Recommendations
Members received details of the Boundary Commission’s draft recommendations on the future
electoral arrangements for Teignbridge District Council. They also noted the report sent by District
Cllr Jeffery. There were no objections to the proposals.
(e) Council Tax Referendum
Members received details of the government’s 2017/18 Finance Settlement. Further, Councils are
being consulted on whether referendum principles should extend to town and parish councils with
regard to precept capping. There were no formal comments.
(a) New applications:
(i) 0499/16 & 0500/16 – Change of use to form residential educational centre, including the
conversion of existing buildings and erection of new for residential educational purposes
and demolition of existing and erection of new farm buildings at East Shallowford Farm,
Having declared an interest, Cllrs Fenton and Southcombe left the meeting for this item.
After discussion members had no objections to this application. However, whilst to some
extent the Parish Council’s previous concerns had been addressed, they were keen that
DNPA ensures all matters have been fully considered prior to giving its recommendation.
These matters include environmental impact, traffic and noise and light pollution.
(b) Decisions:
(i) 0386/16 – To install a CCTV unit and associated utility services to allow number plate
recognition of offending large vehicles crossing Newbridge at Newbridge Holne car park,
Members noted that conditional planning permission has been granted for this application.
(ii) 0288/16 – Certificate of Lawfulness application for the change of use to residential dwelling
at Coach House, Pitt Park, Widecombe
Members noted that DNPA has issued a Certificate of Lawful Use in respect of the building
described in Schedule 1 but has refused to issue a Certificate of Lawful use in respect of
lawful use of the building described in Schedule 3.
(iii) 0436/16 – First floor extension over single storey section of property and single storey rear
extension at Bridge View, Ponsworthy, Ashburton
Members noted that conditional planning permission has been granted for this application.
(c) Members received an invitation from Mr Godfrey to visit Blackdown Piper Farm to understand the
planning issues first hand and in particular to see the proposed solution to the residential provision.
Whilst there had been some initial interest, after discussion and on reflection, members agreed that
as the planning application for the dwelling is currently with the Planning Inspectorate a visit would
serve no purpose at this time.
(a) Payments for approval:
The following payments were approved:
 Cheque no 000930 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (October) – £238.65
 Cheque no 000931 – HMRC (PAYE) – £149.40
 Cheque no 000932 – Matthew Way – £559
There were no new issues reported.
(i) Members received and noted a letter of thanks from the Secretary of the PCC, Ronnie Constant,
thanking the Parish Council for their recent grant towards the upkeep of the churchyard.
Cllr Fenton reminded members that a consultation meeting about the hospital closures is being held in
Widecombe on 12 October. He commented that no costed plan has been put forward detailing how much it
will cost to move care from hospitals to the home. It also states in the consultation that major changes in
provision will be put into place before any closures are made. Currently, there is no evidence of any major
changes in provision being put into place.
Cllr Routley informed members that she had received complaints from parishioners about the damage
caused by some cyclists taking part in a cycle race at the beginning of September.
Cllr Morley handed the clerk £50 which had been donated to the Parish Council from Devon Classic Bike
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 3 November 2016 at 7.30pm

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