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Parish Council Minutes September 2000

Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 28th Sept.2000


PRESENT : Mr.N.Smerdon (Chairman), Mr.S.Booty, Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.M.Pascoe,

Mrs.M.Phipps, Mrs.N.Tempest, Mr.C.Whale, Mr.M.Yates.

APOLOGIES : Mr.R.Newbolt-Young

IN ATTENDANCE : Mr.Bell (Commoners Assoc.), Mr.Mayhead, Mr.Allen (DNPA), twomembers of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.

2359 MINUTES : The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17th August 2000were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.


(i) Mr. Allen was invited to address the Council. He presented a copy of the final report of the Tree Planting Project which had successfully taken place inthe Spring. He reported that a copy of the Report had been placed in the Time Capsule. Hopefully in 100 years time a check will be made on the progress of thetrees then growing. He thanked the Council for its support throughout the time of the project.

(ii) Mr.Bell was invited to speak to the Council on the matter of damage caused by straying cattle in the village.

In the past there existed gates on roads around Widecombe Manor Common (CL 68) but sadly no longer. To replace such gates with cattle grids proved to beexpensive. He said that cattle owners had been spoken with and pressure applied to exercise more control over straying cattle. These farmers were willing toremove their cattle if they are seen to be causing damage. A system of notifying these owners needed to be agreed.

The discussion that followed concentrated on what the Councillors considered to be the cause of increased numbers of cattle giving problems. The size ofquotas was questioned. Mr.Bell said that a count has to be made following a formal request . However, cattle owners had quotas on different areas and it wasdifficult to be sure that the numbers were accurate.

It was felt that elderly residents should not have the responsibility ofreporting on cattle movements. Although there was a certain charm for tourists to see cattle and ponies in the village, the mess they now make had the oppositeeffect on holiday makers.

It was felt that the open entrance to and gaps in the hedge of Mr.Palmer’sfield was one of the attractions for the cattle. The Chairman offered to speak with Mr. Palmer about this.

In conclusion it was felt that when cattle were seen to be in the village and likely to cause damage Councillors who lived or worked in the village wouldreport this to the Chairman. He in turn would contact Mr. Bell who would help in contacting the owners of the said cattle.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Bell for attending the Council Meeting.

(iii) Mr. Mayhead was invited to present the final report of the MillenniumProject to the meeting.

In total the capsule had finally contained 276 photographs : 260 privateresidences, 13 commercial/historic buildings and three groups. Only 6 property owners had refused permission to take part.

A bound copy of the photographs was presented to the Council to be placed in the Parish Chest. Also a copy of the contents of the capsule and copies ofphotographs for all those taking part. Councillors agreed to help with the distribution of these photos.

The Chairman expressed the feelings of everyone that Mr. Mayhead had achieved something outstanding and unique. He was thanked for his high standards andcongratulated.

Councillors were presented with their WPC group photograph.

Two letters of appreciation from Mary Pascoe and Phyllis Pascoe were read to the meeting.

It was felt that these letters expressed the generally held view that the project had been a great success for virtually the whole community.

The Clerk informed the meeting that he had written several letters of thanks to those that had helped the Council on the day of the ceremony.

(iv) TDC Review of Free Car Parks : minutes of the meeting between representatives of TDC and WPC held on 21st September were distributed. It wasdecided to defer this item until the next meeting. This would give Councils time to read these minutes and also for any response from TDC.

(v) Lady Meadow Terrace : the Clerk reported on a copy of a letter from DCC Highways department to Mr. Graves, a property owner at Lady Meadow Terrace. Inthis letter DCC reported that they were unable to accept any responsibility for repairs to the approach road to Lady Meadow Terrace.

Mr.Whale reported that one of the householders at Lady Meadow Terrace had been recently charged by DCC for placing a skip on this approach road. Thisraised questions about ownership. Mr. Whale would seek to obtain proof of these charges and send them to the Clerk for investigation.

(vi) Rural Road Sweeping : the Clerk presented two maps of the cleaning routes around Widecombe supplied by TDC. These maps showed the winter and summerschedules.

Mr.Nosworthy asked to have these maps for further inquiry to check whetherthe schudules had been kept.

(vii) Toilet Damage : the Clerk reported the he had received a telephone callfrom WPC Evans. She intents to investigate the two incidents and report back.

There has been no reply from Mr. Warren of TDC regarding either the damage orthe problem of lighting that cannot be turned off. It has been nearly five months since the original letter was written to Mr.Warren about the night lightsin the toilets.

(viii) Methodist Church Roof Repairs : the Clerk reported on the reply fromMrs L.Smith of the DAPC on the question of financial support from the Parish Council.

It would appear that the rules of financial controls prevented public money being spent on Methodist Churches unless it could be shown that the building wasof historic interest.

Alternatively such help could be given if a small amount of expenditure ledto the Church receiving a larger amount of grant money. The Auditor would not look favourably on WPC giving money that was perceived to be a small amountbeing poured into a ‘black hole’.

Mr.Nosworthy asked the Clerk to enquire from the Auditor whether money raisedfrom rentals of WPC Village Green and field could be used for such purposes.

(ix) Widecombe Fair Report : the Clerk reported that the rent for the VillageGreen had been received and Banked. Mr.Nosworthy was thanked for collecting the money the day before the Fair !

A general discussion about the fair concluded that there was probably room for improvement.

Although Mr. Pascoe reported that the Town Crier competition had gone well it was felt that the quality of the traders outlets had fallen and that there weretoo many food outlets. It was considered whether village businesses could get together to provide the food outlets in future years.

In conclusion it was agreed to ask the people who live in Widecombe what they thought about that part of the Fair controlled by the Parish Council through anarticle in next month’s Parish Link. The responses should be sent to either the Councillors or the Clerk and discussed at the November Council Meeting


(i) Dartington Rural Archive Exhibition : the Council was informed about thisphotographic exhibition to be held on 29th September.

(ii) DCC Final Electoral Arrangements : presented for inspection.

(iii) TALC : request for information on Councillors and meetings. The Clerk reported that he had supplied TALC with the information requested. TALC weretrying to improve the consultative process.

(iv) Commons Registration : further amendments were presented.

(v) Police Posters for Special Constabulary recruitment were distributed for display.

(vi) DNP Annual Report : placed for circulation.

(vii) DCC Local Transport Plan 2001/2006 : the Clerk reported that this plannow included traffic calming measures for the road either side of the Village Primary School. This information was much welcomed.

(viii) Various items from DCC, DNPA and the Community Council were presented and placed for distribution to Councillors.

Councillors were asked to clearly sign the folder that contained the circulated items to assist the smooth running of the process. If all Councillorsreceived the folder they should hold it for only three days before passing it on.


(i) Permission granted to proposed developments at Ravenswood, Leusdon. TheOld Inn, Widecombe and Green Acres, Leusdon.

(ii) Hedgerow Removal Notice at Higher Northway Farm : no objections.

(iii) 0559/00 0560/00 Old Glebe House, Widecombe Alterations ; recommended for approval. Car parking was queried.



(i) Parish Noticeboard at Church House : the Chairman presented a letter from the National Trust (Owners of Church House) . In it the NT requested that thenewly painted noticeboard should be re-painted a more neutral colour than green.

On reflection although those present felt that all the newly decorated boardslook very attractive it was felt best to conform to the NT’s wishes. The Chairman would ask Mr.Dry to help.

(ii) School Bus Service : a number of complaints about the Bus Service have been received. It would appear that buses were frequently late and on more thanone occasion have not turned up at all. The Clerk was asked to write to DCC at County Hall to complain.

(iii) Councillors considered that they wished to show their appreciation to Mr.Mayhead. The Clerk agreed to write on their behalf.


The Clerk presented a balance sheet of Income and Expenditure. (Attached).

One further item was added that had been presented during the meeting by Mr.Mayhead for the copy photographs to all those that took part in theMillennium Project. This invoice was for £195.52.

Current balances stood at Current Account £612.30.

Deposit  £8,000.00 approx.

If the Council were to keep within annual income there was approximately£1,600 left for the remainder of the financial year.

The Chairman Closed the Meeting at 9.45 pm.

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