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Parish Council Minutes September 2007

These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th Sept. 2007

PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Searle, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame (Vice Chair) & Mrs. Tempest

APOLOGIES: PC 4486 Dudley

IN ATTENDANCE: Three members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.


  1. PC Dudley’s Policing Report for the period 2nd August – 5th September received and reported. It was noted that there has not been a report for the period 5th July – 1st August Clerk to query. Thanks to the Police for the way the recent investigation into burglaries was handled was to be mentioned by the Clerk when writing to PC Dudley.
  2. Members of the public asked the Council to continue to resist in the strongest possible manner to the DNPA the erection of a Tetra mast in the village. The Chairman said that this matter will be dealt with under Planning 2893 below.

2891MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2007 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.


  1. Walk-about inspection:white fence at Coach Park – a letter from DNPA (09.07.07) has been received stating that the matter has been referred to TDC – not response received since. The Clerk is to write to TDC asking for a site meeting to be arranged. Litter bins have now been supplied to the village by TDC and are regularly emptied.
  2. A letter of complaint from a visiting member of the public about the poor state of the village has been received. It was suggested that this be sent to DNPA.
  3. Overgrown Hedges at North Hall:matter to be deal with together with a general tidy-up of the village by asking Mr. Partridge to attend to the matter before Fair Day. Mr. Smerdon agreed to make the request to Mr. Partridge to complete the work as last year.
  4. Model Code of Conduct:a resolution was proposed by Mr. Tame and seconded by Mrs Tempest that the Council formally adopt the Standards Board for England’s Model Code of Conduct, including paragraph 12(2). This was accepted unanimously. The notice of this to the public will be these minutes.
  5. Widecombe Fair Planning:there was a general discussion about last minute details to do with arrangements for:the collection of the payment from Mr.Raymond – Mr. Nosworthy to be sent a copy of the Raymond Amusements Contract to check compliance and collect payment. All Councillors were asked to also check for compliance, particularly on food outlets. The Clerk reported on communications with Bob Rose over Town Cryers and hire of toilets. Cllrs. Newbolt-Young and Tame agreed to meet to do a Risk Assessment on the Village Green before Fair Day.
  6. Ladymeadow approach road:the Clerk reported on a letter received from a resident at Ladymeadow that asked for help in finding a solution to the urgent need to make repairs to the approach road. Clerk to reply in the light of a long history on this matter.


  1. Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
  2. Grant of Planning for: swimming pool at Cator Court, two storey extension at 1 & 2 Widecombe Manor Cottages, Tennis Court at Cator Court, conversion of barn at Rugglestone Inn (listed) and alterations to house at Dipleigh.
  3. Refusal of Planning:for Farm Track at Great Cator Farm.
  4. Amendments for: Shortcross Cottage and also height of two affordable houses at Brook Lane.
  5. 0354/05:Conservatory + alterations at Old Langworhty Farm:decision – No Objection
  6. 0649/07:Livestock Building at Cator Court:Object – suggest reconsider siting.
  7. 0623/07:Two storey extension + various other works at South Lake Cottage Decision of (listed)Council is to have No Objection.(Mr. Nosworthy declared an interest)
  8. TETRA mast:site meeting report. The Clerk read out the Case Officers report that will be presented to the DNPA Planning Committee on 7th September. The Chairman reported at length on how the site meeting was conducted and in particular how the notes published by DNPA were not accurate and misrepresented what was said. He also spoke about the publication of a new set of guide lines for Development Control Site Inspection Procedure which was not sent to the Clerk until after the date of the site meeting. As there has been such confusion over a number of items the Council expressed a vote of No Confidence in the Planning and Sustainable Development section of DNPA and supported the Chairman with his intention of asking for a further site inspection when he speaks to the Committee on 7th September. There was a unanimous vote of support and thanks, from all those present, to Mr. Newbolt-Young (Chairman) for the way in which he has so successfully represented the views of the Council and Community over several weeks. IT REMAINED THE VIEW OF THE WHOLE COUNCIL TO PROTEST IN THE STRONGEST TERMS TO THE IMPOSITION OF A TETRA MAST IN THE VILLAGE OF WIDECOMBE.

2894CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:

  1. TDC:Agendas and Minutes, TALC, Register of Electors ’08, review of poling stations
  2. DNPA:Minutes and Agendas,
  3. DCC:Devon in Touch, Annual Report, community building survey, waste plan.
  4. DAPC:Postwatch SW panel, Village Green, Annual Report & AGM + envelope of items.
  5. Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


  1. Maintenance:map completed to show a number of broken sign posts.



  1. Mr. Eveleigh reported that there will be no more Sunday post collections in the Parish.


  1. Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,481.01
  2. Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for July £254.02
  3. Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£485.52
  4. Clerk’s Salary for August£278.98
  5. DAPC Local Council Review Annual Sub.£13.50
  6. TDC charge for Parish Council elections on 03.05.07£830.59
  7. Internal Audit Fee£60.00
  8. Annual External Notice of successful completion of 06/07 Accounts

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40 pm.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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