Un-adopted Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 4th Sept. 2008
PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr. Eveleigh, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Tame & Mrs. Tempest
APOLOGIES: Mr. Morley and Mrs.Morgan IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr. Jeffrey, PC Andy Dudley, Hastoe Housing Association reps. Joanne Flint & Judith Dearlove, 2 members of the public and the Clerk Peter Roper 01548 854478
(a) PC 4486 Dudley presented his report for the period 7th June – 4th September in which there were 13 incidents. Only 3 crimes were registered all theft: from an unattended vehicle, wallet left in phone box and 500 litres of heating oil. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the police on 08452 777444 or 999.
(b) Hastoe Housing Association: Joanne and Judith outlined the arrangements for the allocations process. It is anticipated that the final two houses at Brook Lane will be complete by 31st October 2008. One 2 bed house is available for sale on a shared equity basis. The share proportion available is between 30 – 80% in perpetuity. Rent is subsidised at £47/month. The 3 bedroom house is available for rent only at £328/month. Anyone interested in occupying these house must have a connection with Widecombe Parish and be registered for housing with Teignbridge District Council. If you qualify it is necessary to contact Hastoe Housing Association directly on 01305 250103.
2972 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd July 2008 were corrected, approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.
(a) Parish Tithe Map CD Rom: it was agreed that when the CD’s became available they should be sold to anyone interested for £10. Free copies would be provided for: the History Group, the school and those who made donations towards the costs. It was also suggested the copies made for sale should be in a format which prevented re-write. No further action until after the digitalisation of the Apportionment Map was complete.
(b) Future of Rural Post Offices: the chairman made and announcement that the Widecombe Post Office would be closed in November. He explained that alternative arrangements would be put in place and that grants from DCC and TDC were being given to help set them up.
(c) Fair Day 9th September 2008 Planning: the Clerk outlined the potential costs for: the town criers, the PA system, the toilet hire and NGS security. These invoices, hopefully, would be available for payment at the October meeting. The payment from Raymond Amusements has been received and banked. Questions were asked about the loss of control over financial arrangements. It is hoped that a delegation from WPC can be invited to meet with the Fair Committee to make clear any future arrangements.
(d) Boundary Review of Local Government: having examined the various documents received during August the Members debated the various pros and cons of responding to the Boundary Commissions consultation. It was concluded that the Clerk should reproduce amendments to his submitted summary and send them back to Councillors for comment before returning it before 26th September 2008.
(a) Weekly Lists placed for circulation: in future these will only be available on line.
(b) Grant of Planning for: Corndonford Farm: replacement of metal sheets to barn, Great Dunstone: livestock building, The Old Rectory: replacement dormer window.
(c) Refusal of Planning Consent for Bittleford Farm: new dwelling. The Director explained the reasoning.
(d) 0554/08 New equipment to Transmitting Station at Blackslade Farm: No Objection
(e) 0535/08 Old Glebe House: installation of stove + re-pointing external wall. No Objection
2975 CORRESPONDENCE placed for circulation:
(a) TDC: Agendas & Minutes, Register of Electors, Street Collections & Parish Matters Etc.
(b) DNPA: Minutes and Agendas, Corporate Plan, Mary Tavy proposed conservation area, Planning Conference at Parke on 15th October: Mr. Eveleigh agreed to attend.
(c) DCC: Devon in Touch, Annual Report 07/08 and Access Forum Agenda.
(d) DAPC: Envelope of information for training + Annual Report.
(f) Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
(a) The Chairman reported that the road between Chittleford and Dunstone was in a very poor state of repair and that he had received a complaint to that effect. The Clerk is to write to DCC Highways
(b) The Clerk reported that he has received a letter from a solicitor in Cheshire with regard to an accident to a client who fell as a result of a pot hole in the road. As the WPC does not keep a record of the date of every pot holes appearance and subsequent repair we are not able to confirm the information requested. This litigation issue raised questions about responsibilities of DCC and WPC in the matter of reporting. The Clerk is to write to DCC for clarification.
(a) The Chairman attended the Opening of the Haytor Information Centre on Monday 7th July.
(b) Mrs. Tempest attended the Education Trust meeting
(a) Balance Carried forward deposit account £4,758.84
(b) Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for July £284.61
(c) Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £390.46
(d) Clerk’s Salary for August £259.35
(e) Widecombe Pre-school: floor cushions £63.45
(f) Widecombe and District Sports Group ROSPA Inspection £70.50
(g) St. Pancras Church: sound system costs = £3,555 request for help – refused.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated …………………………………. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 2nd October 2008