Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 3rd September 2009
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Nosworthy, Seale, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest.In attendance: County Councillor Gribble, District Councillor Jeffrey
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes Present: Pat Watson, Claire Partridge
OPEN FORUMNo comments.
3059 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCEReceived from:
Cllr Morley who was on holiday.PC Dudley due to other commitments.
3060 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTMembers were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.
Cllr Tame declared his personal interest in item 8 (a) (x) – Planning application for The Chair at Higher Natsworthy. Cllr Tempest declared her personal interest in 7 (a) – Play area – to discuss grant for play equipment.
3061 RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThe minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 2nd July 2009 were APPROVED by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.
3062 POLICE REPORTWhilst not present at the meeting, Beat Manager PC Dudley sent a report covering the period 2 July – 2 September.Fourteen incident reports were made during this period, ranging from reports of unathorised camping at Newbridge, dogs left in hot cars and suspicious activity in the early hours at Cockingford Farm. Two crimes were recorded – the theft of the donation box from Leusdon Church on Sunday 16th August and theft from a parked and unlocked car at Foxworthy on Wednesday 19th August 2009. A 37 year old man has been charged with the two house burglaries which occurred in May. He is to appear at Torquay magistrates court on 12 October. In recent months there has been a marked increase in thefts from garages and outhouses across Teignbridge. This has included a series of offences in Lustleigh and Manaton in July. PC Dudley urges all residents to review their security and most importantly to report any suspicious persons or vehicles at the time.
3063 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCllr Gribble reported that he had been liaising with DNPA Ranger Jon Stones in respect of the litter at Spitchwick.
3064 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Jeffrey had nothing to report.
3065 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a) Play area – to discuss grant for play equipment
The clerk informed members that a grant had been offered to the Parish Council to purchase an environmentally friendly play structure for the play area. The project would involve the children of the parish who would design the structure themselves. The value of the project would be £4,000 – £5,000. The Chairman, suspending standing orders, invited Claire Partridge and Pat Watson to speak as representatives of the sports group who currently maintain the play area. She expressed concerns that the area which had been identified is where children have ‘free play’ using it for cricket and football etc and the group would like the grassed area to remain as such. There would also be the issue and cost of maintaining and insuring the equipment once erected. Pat Watson added that following the last ROSPA inspection they were advised to purchase and install rubber mats under the swings which they would struggle to afford. A further long-term cost for the group is the resurfacing of the tennis court. They concluded therefore that they were not looking for any further liabilities. Cllr Tame proposed that the Parish Council declines the offer. This was seconded my Cllr Nosworthy with all in agreement. Turning to funding for the rubber mats it was suggested that an application be made for Rural Aid. Pat Watson would liaise with the clerk. Should an application for Rural Aid fail, County Cllr Gribble offered to support the purchase of the mats from his Community Fund.
(b) Tithe map – update Cllr Morley was absent from the meeting.It was AGREED that the clerk would liaise with Cllr Morley in respect of an invitation from the Devon Records Office to visit them and/or digitalise some additional Widecombe maps. Cllr Smerdon expressed concern that the map belonging to the parish was better quality than the digitalised copy and it might therefore be preferable to use the parish map. It was AGREED that he would liaise with Cllr Morley.
(c) Widecombe Fair 2009 The clerk confirmed that payment from Raymond Amusements in the sum of £2,340 had been received and banked. The clerk had also spoken to Mr Raymond about organising person at Hemsworthy Gate to ensure that the village green lorries are directed down Widecombe Hill. This is to avoid them using the one-way traffic system route which causes problems in gaining access to the village green. Cllr Smerdon queried who have been responsible for erecting the traffic signs which spelt Widecombe incorrectly. It was thought that this was Teignbridge District Council on behalf of Devon County Council. Cllr Tame proposed that he and the Chairman carried out a risk assessment of the village on Sunday 6th September. This was AGREED.
3066 PLANNING(a)New applications
(i) South Lake Cottage, Poundsgate Demolish two sheds and erection of new garden shed No objections.
(ii) Bagpark, Widecombe Reconstruction of existing glazed roof over boot room and new rear entrance and rear porch No objections.
(iii) Blackslade Manor, Widecombe Alterations and extensions The comments previously made about this application remained unchanged.(iv) 1 Higher Aish Cottage, Poundsgate Two storey extension to provide additional living accommodation
No objections. (v) Uphill Farm, Ponsworthy Sand school/manege with landscaping
No objections. (vi) Heron Cottage, Jordan Garden room
No objections. (vii) Longhouse Farm, Lower Cator, Widecombe Change of use of shippon to kitchen and change of use of existing linhay to form self-contained unit of holiday accommodation Members agreed that more information was required in order to comment on this application, in particular it appears that no elevations have been submitted. The clerk would liaise with the case officer.
(viii) Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe Erection of shelter in beer garden No objections.
(ix) Blackdown Piper, Widecombe Construction of an agricultural building (18.3m x 12.2m) and hardstanding. Members felt that consideration should be given to existing buildings and were concerned about the location of the site for the new building. Members also expressed concern about the detrimental impact of this building on its surroundings. Higher Natsworthy, Widecombe Chair sculpture Members still expressed concerns about the obstruction which would be caused by parked vehicles visiting the sculpture.
(b) Decisions(i) WestHayes and Glebe Farm, Widecombe
Change of use of part agricultural field to create domestic turning bay and access drive, replace single garage and outbuildings with double garage and extend existing single garage/store to create double garage Permission granted subject to various conditions. (ii) Rowden Cross heading towards Jordan Cross, Widecombe Renew two existing jointing chambers and lay 18m of 50mm PVC duct containing cable. Permission granted.
(c) Other planning matters(i) Possible formation of a planning sub-committee – The Chairman explained that a large number of planning applications had been submitted during August which required a sub-committee of members to meet. He therefore proposed that, in future, a normal meeting of the Parish Council be held during August to counter the issue of planning applications requiring discussion and alleviating the amount of business in September’s meeting. All were IN AGREEMENT.
(ii) The Chairman reminded members that the TETRA enquiry was scheduled to reopen on 28th October. 3067 CORRESPONDENCE
The following items were noted and placed in the briefcase for circulation:(a) TDC – Collect and recycle your old Yellow Pages Directories competition
(b) TDC – Register of Electors 2009/10(c) DNPA – Annual Review 2008/9
(d) Emergency Planning Newsletter(e) DNPA – Development Management Committee agenda and reports
(f) TDC – Gambling Act 2005(g) TDC – Standards Committee
(h) Audit Commission – Notice of conclusion of audit 2008/9(i) Teignbridge Life
(j) DCC – Devon Talk(k) DAPC newsletter
(l) Devon Strategic Partnership – Rural Devon Profile 2009 (m) Teignbridge Strategic Partnership – Housing Survey
(n) TDC – Request for Tree Wardens 3068 HIGHWAYS
(a) Cllr Nosworthy reported that he and Cllr Morley had met with Gerry King and Peter Brunt from DCC Highways and had pointed out a number of issues. In respect of an overflowing stream at Chittleford, it was established that it was the responsibility of the landowner. It was AGREED that Cllr Nosworthy would ask the owner to clear the gutter. Mr King stated that there was a problem with resurfacing Poundsgate Road because of the need to create diversions and the size of the equipment. In respect of the Ponsworthy splash, they have gone away to think about it. Cost is an ongoing issue for DCC and prioritisation is therefore key. However, it was AGREED that the Parish Council would keep the pressure on and communicate regularly the issues of the parish. He suggested that the Parish Council continued to identify issues on a map and send it to DCC for their attention. Cllr Nosworthy asked Mr King to make an official report to the Parish Council following his visit. This had not been received by the clerk as yet. (b) Correspondence from DCC re 20mph zones and limits – was noted and put in the circulation file.
(c) Other highways issues – Cllr Tempest reported that the sign at Ponsworthy keeps getting knocked off. 3069 DELEGATES REPORTS
Cllr Booty reported that he had attended an Access Forum recently and commented on Natural England’s policy the encourage access into the open country. The information would be circulated in the briefcase. 3070 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN
(a) The Chairman informed members that the TETRA enquiry will re-open on 28th October at 10.00am at Parke. (b) Copies of the photographs taken of members of the Parish Council past and present are available to purchase. The Chairman agreed to speak with Chris Mayhead.
(c) A request for disabled toilets in the car park has been made. The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Cllr Jeffries about this. (d) The Chairman requested that he be granted a Chairman’s allowance to the value of £100 to allow him to purchase sundry items without the prior consent of the Parish Council. This was AGREED. The Chairman would submit all necessary receipts to the Clerk.
3071 FINANCE(a) The following payments were AGREED and cheques were signed:
§ Cheque no 000674 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for July £247.63§ Cheque no 000675 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for August £225.40
§ Cheque no 000676 – Audit Commission (audit fee) £138.00§ Cheque no 000677 – DAPC (Chairmanship Masterclass) £51.75
§ Cheque no 000678 – Chairman – Peter Roper’s leaving gift £63.25 (b) Account balances:
(i) Current account £1,030.39 (ii) Deposit account £4834.38
(d) Having outlined the benefits of completing the CiLCA, the clerk requested that the Parish Council part-fund the registration fee along with the three other Parish Councils by which she is employed. The total fee is £150 but the clerk would be able to secure a bursary for half, making Widecombe’s contribution £18.75. All were IN AGREEMENT. (e) Cllr Tempest reminded members that the Parish Council usually grants a payment of £75 to Leusdon Church. It was AGREED that a grant of £75 would be made to each church.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.