Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 2nd September 2010
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Morley (Chair), Nosworthy, Seale, Smerdon, Tempest and Wallace.Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: OneBoth Chairman and Vice-Chairman were absent from the meeting. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Tempest, seconded by Cllr Nosworthy and agreed by all present that Cllr Morley would chair the meeting.
OPEN FORUMTrevor Eveleigh raised three points:
1. Asked whether the Parish Council would sponsor/be involved in a ‘Parish in Bloom’ competition which he would be happy to be involved in organising. Cllr Morley advised that there were competitions already in place. Mr Eveleigh thought that a smaller, independent competition involving just Widecombe would be more appropriate. It was agreed that this could be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting in March.2. There are a number of parishioners concerned about future development at Blackdown Piper. The Parish Council responded that it can only consider those planning applications which are put before it.
3. Enquired about the recent development at Foxley. Cllr Morley advised that the Parish Council had been advised by the DNPA that it is permitted development.3177 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Received from:§ Cllr Newbolt-Young
§ Cllr Booty§ Cllr Tame
§ County Cllr Gribble3178 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.§ Cllr Nosworthy declared a personal interest in item 3184 (a) (i).
§ Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in items 3184 (a) (i) and (iii).3179 RATIFICATION OF MINUTES
The minutes of the meeting dated 1st July 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.3180 POLICE REPORT
(a) Widecombe Fair The clerk reported, for informationm that there had been some confusion relating to the proposed road closure between Halsanger Cross and Owlacombe originally planned to start on 13th September. The Parish Council had not been notified of the closure by DCC as the road is not within the parish. However, there was concern that the closure would impact on traffic coming to Widecombe Fair. The matter had now been resolved with the Highways Superintendent, Ian Sampson, who had arranged with the contractors that the closure will commence on 16th September.
A request had been made to the Widecombe Fair Committee for Shopmobility to attend the Fair and provide mobility scooters for those in need of them. Matters of insurance had already been checked and verified by the Widecombe Fair Committee. The question was asked whether the Parish Council had any objections. It was agreed that there were no objections although observations were made about where they would be parked etc. The clerk confirmed that Raymond Amusements had not yet paid the balance. Cllr Nosworthy offered to collect payment on the day should payment not be made before.
The clerk was asked to request sight of the passes from Raymond Amusements allowing vehicles to set up etc. (b) Rural Skip Service
The clerk reported that the date had now been rearranged to avoid clashing with Widecombe Fair and was scheduled for Saturday 25th September. Posters were distributed to advertise the service.(c) Military Shell
Anthony Beard provided the clerk with a brief history of the shell and his view of how it could be used as a collection box. The shell was donated to the Parish as a thank you for collecting Sphagnum Moss during World War 1. Sphagnum Moss has a peculiar property in that it contains a substance like Iodine and it was used as field dressings during the conflict. When dry, it can absorb 10 times its volume in liquid so as a dressing it was very useful for two reasons. Mr Beard would be against making an opening in it for the collection of money and it would become a temptation to some to break it open. He suggested that if a collection box could be positioned nearby and The National Trust offer to empty it each day, it could work. Cllr Nosworthy advised that there were a collection box in the wall already but this was for the National Trust to help with the maintenance of Church House. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the National Trust about a further collection box and whether they would be prepared to help with the emptying of it.(d) Grant to the History Group
The History Group thanked the Parish Council for the grant towards the purchase of a projector. However, the Group feels that the difficulties of making the projector available to the parish in general, with the associated administration that would result (booking system, single central point of contact, chasing-up, checking all parts returned in good working order etc) means that we would rather not get involved in such an arrangement. Since this was a condition of the grant the Group would understand if the Parish Council wanted the money back, but they would ask that the Parish Council considers granting the money anyway as there are various other items of equipment to purchase (e.g. they need a laptop). An alternative is for the Parish Council to provide the point of contact etc for the projector, in which case they would be happy to obtain one. The Group really does appreciate the offer of help but as they do not have a permanent manned ‘base’ the admin would be just too much.The clerk advised that Cllr Newbolt-Young had intimated that he was going to contact the school. It was therefore agreed to defer this item until the next meeting when Cllr Newbolt-Young would be present and able to report.
3184 PLANNING(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0416/10 – New entrance porch at Springdown, Poundsgate Members had no objections to the application.
(ii) 0414/10 – Replacement outbuilding at 2 Manor Cottage, Widecombe Members were in support of the application.
(iii) 0395/10 – Renewal of extant permission to demolish and replace existing barn with gym and swimming pool, and new conservatory to farmhouse at Higher Hannaford Farm, Poundsgate Members had no objections to the application.
(iv) 0420/10 – Agricultural building (9m x 6m) for storage of feed and machinery at Field no 6418 between Dunstone and Widecombe-in-the-Moor.Members were in support of the application.
(b) Decisions(i) 0241/10 – Covered extension to outside classroom area, Widecombe School
Granted unconditionally.(ii) 0231/10 – Construction of garden room (retrospective), Heron Cottage, Jordan
Granted unconditionally. 3185 CORRESPONDENCE
(a) Letter of thanks from Widecombe Pre-School(b) Mobile Library Service
(c) ‘Talking Teignbridge’ Residents Panel(d) Dartmoor Access Forum
(e) TDC Core Strategy Consultation(f) DNPA Development Management and Site Specific Issues Consultation
(g) DALC – Annual General Meeting(h) DNPA – Development Management Committee
(i) ‘No Need for Nuclear’ campaign(j) Licensing Act 2003 & LGA 1982 – consultation
(k) Register of Electors 2011/11 3186 HIGHWAYS
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map Potholes were marked on the map
(b) Road Closure Order proposed for 14 days from 13 September 2010 on the C403 between Owlacombe Cross and Halshanger Cross. Reported in item 3183 (a). (c) Update from South Area Highways Management:
Ian Sampson has been to look at the flooding issue on the road to Dunstone from Chittleford. On closer inspection the land identified has a small drainage ditch taking water from the edge of the highway and down through a field. This is supposed to issue in the land adjacent to the road, although due to poor maintenance of the drainage ditches the water is flowing across the landowners field and through the hedgebank back into the road. The level of water flowing through the hedgebank is causing the road to be washed away and large potholes to be formed. In the next financial year it is hoped that the road will be surface dressed – the road will need to be patched prior to this happening. If the water can not be taken off the site this maintenance practice will not take place, as it will wash out. He therefore suggests that the landowners are contacted to try and resolve the problem. Cllr Newbolt-Young had agreed to speak with them.Mr Sampson has instructed SWH to repair the granite kerbs where possible adjacent to the ditch close to the old post office, in the village centre.
The repair of the signs at Hemsworthy Gate and Church Lane End are still with SWH and Mr Sampson is still chasing the repair of these.The water splash at Ponsworthy, is structurally sound, from the investigations undertaken during Gerry Kings’ time at DCC the gradient into the water splash from Widecombe side requires the gradient to be reduced, to ensure vehicles do not bottom out prior to entering the ford. This will be in the form of planing out the highway and re-grading the site. Cllr Smerdon disagreed with the analysis of Ponsworthy splash stating that in his opinion this would not solve the problem. It was agreed therefore that the clerk would arrange a meeting between Cllr Smerdon and Mr Sampson to investigate further.
(d) No other highways issues were reported. 3187 DELEGATES REPORTS No reports.3188 MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN (i) There is local concern about the renaming of Sweaton Farm to Sweeton Manor. It was questioned whether this was permitted and whether the District Council had been informed. It was agreed that the clerk would enquire with TDC (ii) Cllr Morley has been approached by Val Casey who is involved with the Two Moors Festival asking whether she could put up some signs in the village directing people to the concerts in Widecombe. This was agreed. (iii) Cllr Morley reported that in the corner of the tennis court car park there is a little gate which is in need of repair/replacement. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the DNPA. (iv) Cllr Nosworthy wished enquiries to be made about the new banner erected by the National Trust advertising the shop. The clerk would seek advice from DNPA about whether this was lawful. 3189 FINANCE (a) The following payments were approved and cheques signed: § Cheque no 000713 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £227.40§ Cheque no 000714 – Audit Commission – £141.00 § Cheque no 000715 – DNPA (8 years rent of North Hall Field) – £120.00(b) The clerk confirmed that the Bank of Ireland account was now closed and the money had been transferred into a newly opened ‘Business Instant Access’ account with Lloyds TSB. Balance of accounts: Current account £641.05 (excluding payments above) Business Instant Access £4,834.38 There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
The repair of the signs at Hemsworthy Gate and Church Lane End are still with SWH and Mr Sampson is still chasing the repair of these.The water splash at Ponsworthy, is structurally sound, from the investigations undertaken during Gerry Kings’ time at DCC the gradient into the water splash from Widecombe side requires the gradient to be reduced, to ensure vehicles do not bottom out prior to entering the ford. This will be in the form of planing out the highway and re-grading the site. Cllr Smerdon disagreed with the analysis of Ponsworthy splash stating that in his opinion this would not solve the problem. It was agreed therefore that the clerk would arrange a meeting between Cllr Smerdon and Mr Sampson to investigate further.
(d) No other highways issues were reported. 3187 DELEGATES REPORTS No reports.3188 MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN (i) There is local concern about the renaming of Sweaton Farm to Sweeton Manor. It was questioned whether this was permitted and whether the District Council had been informed. It was agreed that the clerk would enquire with TDC (ii) Cllr Morley has been approached by Val Casey who is involved with the Two Moors Festival asking whether she could put up some signs in the village directing people to the concerts in Widecombe. This was agreed. (iii) Cllr Morley reported that in the corner of the tennis court car park there is a little gate which is in need of repair/replacement. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the DNPA. (iv) Cllr Nosworthy wished enquiries to be made about the new banner erected by the National Trust advertising the shop. The clerk would seek advice from DNPA about whether this was lawful. 3189 FINANCE (a) The following payments were approved and cheques signed: § Cheque no 000713 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £227.40§ Cheque no 000714 – Audit Commission – £141.00 § Cheque no 000715 – DNPA (8 years rent of North Hall Field) – £120.00(b) The clerk confirmed that the Bank of Ireland account was now closed and the money had been transferred into a newly opened ‘Business Instant Access’ account with Lloyds TSB. Balance of accounts: Current account £641.05 (excluding payments above) Business Instant Access £4,834.38 There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.