Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 8th September 2011
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty (Vice Chairman), Morley, Nosworthy, Routley,Tempest and Wallace (arrived at 8.30pm).
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffrey
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: Three
There were no comments from members of the public.
Received from: Cllr Tame Cllr Lewis
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in item 3318 (f) as Treasurer of the Widecombe & District Sports Group.
Two amendments were made to the minutes of the meeting held on 7th July were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No crime report.
Cllr Gribble reported that he had spoken with Phil Markham at DNPA about the TETRA mast who was aware of the need to put up a pole but was unaware of the vandalism. He is still working on the parking problems at Spitchwick and will also find out when the lines around the school are due to be repainted as he notes they have not yet been done.
Cllr Jeffrey did not have anything to report but had been liaising with TDC about the Heritage and Educational Centre which would be discussed at item 3381 (c).
(a) Widecombe Fair – additional costs of manning the toilets
Members were advised that this year TDC were unable to bear the cost of manning the toilets on Fair Day. The cost quoted is £19.19 per hour for 10 hours. The Widecombe Fair Committee asked the Parish Council whether it would be able to bear the cost. It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council would pay for the additional manning of the toilets on Fair Day at a cost of £191.90. The Chairman suspended standing orders and invited Tony Hodgkiss, Chairman of the parking/Pedestrian Committee (Widecombe Fair) to speak to members about the new parking arrangements for this year’s Fair. In summary, a Park and Ride facility will be operating and the entrance fee will be £10 per car which will include entry into the Fair field.
(b) Housing Needs Survey
It was agreed to defer this item until next month when all members had read the report.
(c) Heritage & Educational Centre
A site meeting was held on 12th July at which the location of the proposed Heritage & Educational Centre was discussed. The preferred location is in the car park rather than in the Parish Field. District Cllr Jeffrey had liaised with TDC about the potential project and whether the car park could be used. In response, TDC proposed details of a lease. Following consideration, it was agreed that a committee should form with members of the Parish Council and the History Group to discuss the proposal in more detail. It was agreed that the Chairman, Cllrs Nosworthy, Booty, Tempest and Routley would represent the Parish Council along with three members of the History Group and District Cllr Jeffrey. Anthony Beard agreed to arrange a meeting.
(d) Car park boundary wall and hedge
Members received details of the quotations obtained by both TDC and Widecombe Parish Council. Following an assessment of the rates per metre, it was considered that quote 2 provided by Widecombe Parish Council offered the best value, allowing a rebuild of the entire structure. Subject to providing TDC with proof of the relevant PI insurances etc, TDC had agreed that the Parish Council can award the job to quote two. This was also agreed by members. It was confirmed that the cost of the works will be split 50% – 50% by the Parish Council and TDC. TDC will raise an order for the confirmed 50% cost and provide payment accordingly to the Parish Council on completion of the works. The commencement of the works will be subject to liaison with, and approval from, TDC’s Bio Diversity Officer (generally works shall not commence between 1 April to 15 September, as nesting birds are protected, and there’s the possibility of reptiles (lizards) being present within the wall also.
(e) Public Toilets opportunity
Following a review of the public conveniences provided and maintained by TDC, a letter had been received asking the Parish Council to suggest alternative ways in which toilet facilities could be made available in the parish or to consider whether the provision of the existing facilities is still justified. Concern was expressed that local businesses are already paying high business rates but there are very limited rural facilities. Members were also interested to find out the cost of the upkeep of the toilets.
(f) North Hall Field
At the DNPA meeting on 5 August, it was recommended that options for North Hall Field, including disposal, are explored with the Parish Council to ensure the field is retained as a community asset. The Parish Council would therefore await communication from the DNPA.
(g) Tour of Britain
Members received notification of the race passing through the parish on 15 September. This was noted.
(h) DNPA 60th Anniversary Dartmoor Community Quiz
Members received details of the quiz. It was agreed that Anthony Beard would make an announcement on Fair Day to attract people to participate.
(i) DNPA – Local Planning Consultations (Local Development Framework)
It was agreed that members would send their individual comments direct to DNPA.
(j) TETRA mast
The Chairman reported that costs against the DNPA are going to be announced shortly.
(k) Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – to consider parish event(s)
It was suggested that a party be held on the Green. It was agreed to discuss this again in October.
(a) New applications/appeals
No new applications.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0268/11 – Use of mobile home for temporary living accommodation and domestic storage, The Café on the Green, Widecombe-in-the-Moor.
Granted conditionally
(ii) 0376/11 – Agricultural workshop and store, Higher Northway Farm, Widecombe
Proposed works approved
(iii) 0285/11 – Replacement of metal sheet clad farm, Lower Blackaton, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Granted conditionally
(iv) 0310/11 – Installation of solar PV system on barn roof, Great Dunstone Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Granted conditionally
(v) 0330/11 – Extension to rear of existing garage to create garden storage, The Grooms Cottage, Leusdon, Poundsgate
Granted conditionally
(a) Widecombe Fair Committee – letter of thanks for donation
(b) Widecombe PCC – letter of thanks for donation
(c) Letter from John Nutley, DNPA member – request to attend Parish Council meeting. Clerk to invite
For circulation:
(d) DALC – County Committee 2011-2015 – Results of ballot
(e) DALC – Newsletter – July/August 2011
(f) Clerk & Councils Direct
(g) DNPA – Development Management Committee/Meeting of the Authority – 2 September
(h) TDC – Standards Committee
(i) Domestic and Violence Abuse leaflet
(j) Dartmoor Hill Farm Project Newsletter – Summer 2011
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map
Members marked the map with potholes/maintenance issues.
(b) The following road closures were noted:
(i) Southcombe Cross to Lady Meadow Terrace – 24th November – in order to replace one BT telegraph pole
(ii) Pink Cottage, Ponsworthy Bridge to Ponsworthy House – 20-25 October – South West Highways
(c) Correspondence had been received requesting installation of a grit bin at the top of Eastern Lane. In response, County Cllr Gribble offered to purchase one from his locality budget and it was agreed that the clerk should liaise with DCC Highways to arrange for its installation.
(d) There were no other highways issues.
(i) DNPA – Parish Planning Workshop on 14 July – the minutes had been circulated previously and there was nothing further to report.
The Chairman reported that he had been invited to concert in the Church as part of the Two Moors Festval which was being attended by the Countess of Wessex.
(a) The following payments were approved::
§ Cheque no 000742 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £221.41
§ Cheque no 000743 – TDC – Recharges for uncontested elections – £145.20
(b) The monthly bank reconciliation and budget review was noted.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.