Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 6 September 2012
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tempest & Wallace.
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 4
Three members of the public expressing their objections to the planning application at The Old Inn to be discussed later in the meeting (item 3458(v)). The main objections were the effect the development would have on neighbouring properties and on the Conservation Area. They also stated that information submitted on the application form was, in their view, inaccurate and misleading in terms of the need for further accommodation.
A member of the public expressed concern about how the roads in the parish and across the county were being maintained. In his view, it would be more effective if there was a dedicated person in each parish, with the necessary local knowledge, who would advise the county of necessary works. County Cllr Gribble noted his comments and promised to do all he could to improve the situation.
• Cllr S Tame
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
The Chairman declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 3458 (vi) as he had lodged the appeal.
Cllr Mrs N Tempest declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 3456 (d) as a member of the Committee submitting the grant application.
Cllr S Morley declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 3458 (v) as his wife was an employee of the Old Inn.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 5 July 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No police report.
Cllr Gribble advised that he had been alerted to the collapsed cattle grid between Ullacombe Farm and Green Lane. He has been on site with the Highways Officer, Scott Riddell and the problem will be resolved prior to Widecombe Fair.
No report.
Cllr Nosworthy reported that he had attended a site meeting at Glebe Farm on 21 August to look at plans for the site (relating to the storage of artefacts). The meeting was well attended with DNPA officers present who were positive about the plans. Cllr Nosworthy advised that there were grants available for such a project as this.
Members received, approved and adopted amended standing orders relating to the Code of Conduct (Standing Order 7) and the General Power of Competence (Standing Order 25).
Members were reminded that under the new Code of Conduct, any dispensation requests in relation to Town and Parish Councils are to be considered by the relevant Council. (Previously these were considered by Teignbridge District Council’s Standards Committee). The District Council has developed a form which members agreed to adopt for use by this Council. It was agreed that a written request for a dispensation would be submitted to the Clerk in writing ten days prior to the date of the meeting to which the dispensation request relates and the request would be considered and decided by the Council.
The clerk advised that this Council requires a Data Protection Licence. Members acknowledged this requirement and approved the cost of £35.
(a) Widecombe Fair
The arrangements for First Aid cover were discussed – this information previously circulated to members. The Widecombe Fair Committee had made such arrangements with St John’s Ambulance. These would be on a perambulatory basis providing their tent is on the Fair Ground where they have their full facilities under cover. Cllr Nosworthy advised that he was not in favour of the arrangements that had previously been agreed namely that the Parish Council would contribute 25% of the costs of First Aid cover. He was reminded that the Council had agreed these arrangements for this year but these could be reviewed next year.
(b) Tree survey and proposed works
Members received and noted a report which had been carried out by Rupert Baker who had inspected the parish’s trees. Due to the urgency of the works, Cllr Tame had arranged for the works to be carried out by Daniel Vickridge who was available before Widecombe Fair Day.
(c) Rural Energy Report
Members noted that a Rural Energy report had been produced as a result of a recent survey of households in the parish. In Widecombe in the Moor forms were sent out to 160 households. Responses were received from 54 households, which represents 33.7% of households surveyed. The survey found 17 households in Widecombe to be fuel poor, this is approximately 30% of households surveyed. The Community Council of Devon are therefore recommending that:
(a) TDC develop tailor assistance programmes for households identified as fuel poor in the survey
(b) TDC consider how best to promote assistance with such measures as loft insulation to households who have not already taken it up.
(c) TDC develop a plan to move forward with the communities to produce renewable energy in the localities
(d) TDC work with Dartmoor National Park Authority to look at how energy efficiency works can take place in conservation areas and listed buildings
(e) TDC works with others to promote appropriate community oil and other fuel buying schemes.
(d) Letter from Leusdon Memorial Hall
Members received a request for grant aid from Leusdon Memorial Hall towards the costs that the hall will incur this year including the engraving of a commemorative stone to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the replacing of a number of lath and plaster ceiling panels over the stage area in the hall.
After a discussion, it was agreed that a grant of £800 would be awarded.
(e) Funding Opportunity – Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund (up to £400).
It was agreed that members should inform the clerk of any appropriate projects which could be funded prior to the application deadline of 28 September.
(f) Council Tax Benefit Changes
Members received and noted that changes would be made to Council Tax benefits from 1 April 2013 and that TDC will conduct a consultation regarding the changes between 6 August and 1 October 2012.
(g) Rural Skip Service
Members noted that the Rural Skip service was booked for Saturday 6 October 2012 from 10am to 4pm in the coach park.
(h) Consultation – Teignbridge Economic Development Delivery Plan
There were no comments.
(a) Payments for approval:
The following cheques were approved for payment:
ï§ï Cheque no 000774 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £256.42
ï§ï Cheque no 000775 – Rupert Baker (Tree Survey) – £326.50
ï§ï Cheque no 000776 – WDSG – £1,000 (grant approved in July’s meeting)
ï§ï Cheque no 000777 – Leusdon PCC – £500 (grant approved in July’s meeting)
ï§ï Cheque no 000778 – Audit Commission (Audit Fee) – £144.00
ï§ï Cheque no 000779 – Leusdon Memorial Hall – £800 (grant)
ï§ï Cheque no 000780 – Data Protection Licence – £35
ï§ï Cheque no 000781 – Daniel Vickridge (Tree works) – £400
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0453/12 – Single storey side extension at Neds (formerly Foxley), Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support the application.
(ii) 0457/12 & 0458/12 (LBC) – Extensions and alterations to provide an additional bedroom at Hannaford Manor, Poundsgate
Members agreed to support the application.
(iii) 0460/12 & 0461/12 (LBC) – Internal and external alterations to house including replacement windows and roof slate, re-instate demolished threshing barn and garage to form photographic studio and stores, plus other various works at Dunstone Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support the application.
(iv) 0467/12 – Alterations to roof to provide dormers at Merrypark, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support the application.
(v) 0471/12 – Single storey dwelling to provide ancillary staff accommodation, replacing fire damaged caravan accommodation at The Old Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, Cllr Morley left the meeting for this item.
Following representations from members of the public and consideration of the plans, the Parish Council agreed to object to this application because of the impact it would on the Conservation Area and on neighbouring properties. There was also a question about whether there was a need for additional accommodation.
(vi) Appeal against Part Refusal to issue a Certificate of lawfulness – Land at Chittleford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, the Chairman, Cllr Newbolt-Young, left the meeting for this item.
Having supported this application previously, members did not wish to make any additional comments.
(vii) Appeal at Blackdown Piper Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members received notification that arrangements for the Informal Hearing have been made and it will take place on 2 October 2012 at DNPA offices commencing at 10.00am. It was agreed that Cllr Lewis would represent the Parish Council.
(b) Decisions
(i) Erection of agricultural livestock building (12.2m x 18.3m) at field 8933, Cator Ground, adj to Riddon Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that the application has been withdrawn.
(ii) Retention of temporary classroom including exterior cladding, County Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that the application has been granted conditionally.
(iii) 0294/12 – Conversion of cartshed to stables and demolition of existing adjoining summerhouse, Old Glebe House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that the application has been granted conditionally.
(iv) 0259/12 – Alterations to roof to provide dormers and erection of new garage, Merrypark, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that the application has been refused permission.
(v) 0291/12 & 0296/12 (LBC) – Change of use of agricultural land to garden, removal of section of curtilage listed wall and erection of garage/workshop/livestock shed, Lower Cator House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that the application has been granted conditionally.
(c) Tree/Hedgerow notifications
(i) Bittleford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Having received a Hedgerow Removal Notice to remove a section of hedgerow to create a new gateway at Bittleford Farm, DNPA had decided that the hedgerow was not ‘important’ as defined by The Hedgerows Regulations 1997 and therefore a Hedgerow Retention Notice would not be issued.
(ii) Widecombe Green – Horse chestnuts
Having obtained a report advising of necessary works to two horse chestnuts on the Green, Brian Beasley at DNPA had been informed and his approval given.
(a) Leusdon PCC – members received and noted a letter of thanks for the grant awarded by the Parish Council
(b) WDSG – members received and noted a letter of thanks for the grant awarded by the Parish Council
(c) Members received a letter requesting funding for a New Operations Centre for North Dartmoor Search & Rescue Team. It was agreed that the Parish Council is not in a position to support this financially.
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder
(a) In response to issues brought to the attention of DCC Highways, Members received an update from Scott Riddell, DCC:
o The ‘no through road’ sign at the start of the road to Sherril is now erected.
o The blocked Thornhill cattlegrid has been added to the list to be done
o The pothole at Merrypark had been filled
o The condition of the road surface at Spitchwick, Deeper Marsh and Lynchaford Hill have been added to the list of schemes that need patching. The issue is that it is not guaranteed funding as all the schemes across Devon have to compete against one another for the limited pot of money.
Members advised that the surface of Lynchaford Hill has been done but it is now too high causing problems for trailers. The edges are also not sealed.
(b) Maintenance/Pothole map – no further issues were reported.
(c) Other highways issues:
Cllr Routley reported a problem of vehicles parking on the approach to Newbridge (cattle grid side) making it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for larger vehicles, including emergency vehicles, to pass over the bridge. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the appropriate body to help with rectifying the problem.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.