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Parish Council Minutes September 2013

                                              WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 5 September 2013 in Church House,                                                                             Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Fenton, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley & Tempest
In attendance: County Cllr George Gribble & District Cllr Mike Jeffrey
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 1
Anthony Beard
Mr Beard advised members that he believed that the land on which the Saxon Well stands may belong to 2 Manor Cottages. He would make further enquiries and would report at the next meeting.
• Cllr Tame
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 4 July 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
Cllr Gribble advised that he had attended a productive meeting to discuss the problems at Deeper Marsh which Cllr Tempest had also attended on behalf of the Parish Council. He had also attended a meeting with Margaret Rogers about the development of a learning centre at North Hall Manor. He reminded members that the Devon stage of the Tour of Britain would be finishing at Haytor on 20 September and road closures would be in place.
Cllr Jeffrey advised that he had nothing to report.
Cllr Tempest informed members that she had attended a meeting on 27 August 2013 with regard to parking at Deeper Marsh. The meeting was arranged by Alison Kohler, DNPA and was attended by 10 people. Three possible solutions were discussed:
(i) Double yellow lines, which means no signing and narrows the road.
(ii) No lines but a restricted zone
(iii) Creating a ‘Clear Way’ which means no parking.
After a discussion, it was decided that double yellow lines provided the only effective solution. The police are much more open to acting on obstructions. Rangers will look at banks and build them up. The double yellow lines will be extended to New Bridge cattle grid, up New Bridge hill to the top, up to and beyond Buckland Bridge to the first house along Lower Hannaford. They would also extend up to Townwood Farm from Deeper Marsh. Hannaford will be consulted.
There is still concern that extending the double yellow lines would cause displacement and people will simply find somewhere else to park. It is hoped that this will be in place by next summer following a short consultation period. Local householders will be able to ask for parking outside their house.
(a) Walkabout – update on matters discussed on the walkabout:
• Quotations for new gate in Parish Field
The Chairman advised members that the cost of the new gate of the Parish Field was around £65. It was agreed that this should be purchased.
• North Hall field boundaries
The Clerk advised members that she had been sent a plan of North Hall field contained within the lease (dated 8 November 1987) outlining the boundaries and whose responsibility they are. It seems that the Parish Council is responsible for the boundaries around the playing field edged red on the plan:
(ix) “……… put in good repair and maintain all surfaces, boundaries, structures and erections on the land”
Whereas the lease for the car park says:
(8) … at all times keep the land in a neat and tidy condition”
which suggests to me that DNPA would be responsible for the boundaries around the car park edged blue on the plan.
• Felling of cluster of trees next to the road, near the play area and removal of dead tree on little green
The clerk advised that Cllr Tame has made an application to DNPA to fell the dead horse chestnut tree on the little green and permission had been granted. The Chairman informed members that he would confirm with Cllr Tame who would be doing the works.
• Planings for the car park
The Chairman agreed that he would follow up Trevor Eveleigh’s offer to obtain planings for the car park.
• Ownership of railings and posts to bridge opposite entrance to North Hall field
County Cllr Gribble agreed to pursue this with DCC Highways on the Council’s behalf as members strongly believe that these are not the responsibility of the Parish Council.
• Bench outside National Trust shop
The clerk advised that the opportunity to purchase a bench in memory of a loved one had been advertised in the Parish Link. County Cllr Gribble then offered to purchase a bench on behalf of the community from his locality budget. This offer was gratefully accepted by members and the clerk was asked to seek quotations for a 6ft hardwood bench.
(b) Widecombe Fair
The Chairman advised that he would carry out a risk assessment before Fair Day. Cllr Nosworthy agreed to collect payment from Raymond Amusements if this had not been received before the day.
(c) Rural Skip hire
Saturday 8 October 2013, 10am – 4pm, was agreed as the date for the Rural Skip Service.
(d) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ project
Cllr Fenton reported that there were 6 projects within the parish. Each project is being prepared and is at different stages with details being finalised. The projects are being reviewed by the stakeholder committees who have evaluated the projects and commented accordingly. Further review meetings will continue to be held. The projects which have been submitted are:
• North Hall Manor – Education and Learning Centre
• Widecombe History Group – funding to convert the piggeries
• Project telling visitor that to see in Widecombe
• East Shallowford – funds to allow owner to create a venue to teach farming skills
• Restoration of Higher Uppacott including creation of ‘Friends of the Devon Longhouse’
• Deeper Marsh (though the funding is not available for buildings and therefore funding for toilets is not available)
After a discussion, disapproval was expressed that DNPA was applying to this fund for £169,000 to restore Higher Uppacott. It was the view of members that if this property was privately owned, the owners would be expected to pay for restoration themselves and would not be in a position to apply for such funding. The clerk was asked to obtain details of this application from Steve Scoffin, DNPA.
(e) Sandbag Store
The clerk advised members that she had received an email from TDC asking how the parish was progressing with its sandbag store. After a discussion about where this can be positioned it was agreed that a site meeting would and attended by Cllr Fenton, Peter Dracup and Trevor Eveleigh to discuss whether the reading room might be a suitable location.
(f) Parish Field
Cllr Tame had sent an email advising that Richard Palmer has had problems with sheep getting into his garden from the Parish Field field. He advised that he has done a temporary patch up with bits of spare wire that were lying about the field, but it needs a permanent solution (only about 5m of fence should do it). He believes that the sheep are getting in from the car park down by the stream where there was some chestnut paling fence which is now on the ground. The Chairman advised that he would look at this.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 00434/13 – Timber outdoor learning shelter in playground at Widecombe Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 0411/13 – Replacement barn (213sqm) at Ponsworthy Farm, Ponsworthy
Members agreed to support this application.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0306/13 – Erection of timber stables (3.6m x 5.4m) in esisting garden area, Mill House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(ii) 0287/13 – Rear extension, front and side porches, replacement garage, river bank protection ad new footbridge, Riverside, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(iii) 0286/13 – Erection of timber-framed garage, Buzzards Reach, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(iv) 0259/13 – New porch, Lower Dunstone Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(v) 0260/13 – Fire precautions works to include heat and smoke detectors with control panel and extinguishers, Higher Uppacott, Poundsgate
Members noted that DNPA has granted listed building consent
(a) The following payments were approved:
Cheque no 000819 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (September) – £217.50
Cheque no 000820 – Event Hire Solutions (Balance of portable toilets) – £121.50
Cheque no 000821 – ICO (Renewal of Data Protection Licence) – £35.00
Cheque no 000822 – Grant Thornton (Audit Fee) – £120.00
Cheque no 000823 – Repairs to Summer House, WDSG – £606.51 (paid from DCSF grant)
(b) Widecombe-in-the-Moor Parish Council Accounts 2012/2013 – members received and noted the Certificate and Report of the External Auditor for Widecombe-in-the-Moor Parish Council at the completion of the annual audit.
(c) Rural Aid – the clerk advised that the bid for Rural Aid had been unsuccessful because there was an unwritten rule that Churches could not be funded by Rural Aid.
(d) Members noted the 2013/14 National Salary Awards for clerks which awarded a 1% pay increase for clerks from April 2013.
Members wished the following highways issues to be brought to the attention of Devon County Council Highways Officer:
• Large pothole at Hutholes
• The main road out of Widecombe (in the direction of Haytor, around Wayside Cafe) is in a very poor state and is in need of resurfacing
• Extremely poor condition of the road to Lower Town
• Two bits of the sign at Ponsworthy Splash have been knocked off. This is a fairly frequent event and is caused by larger vehicles clipping it as they pass. It was proposed that the sign be resited so this can be avoided in the future.
• At the end of Bonehill Lane where it meets with Widecombe Hill, there is a sign which says ‘No give way signs’. This now needs to be removed because the ‘Give Way’ markings on the road have now been repainted.
Members were informed of the following items of correspondence:
(a) Healthwatch Voices – Issue 1
(b) Adopted version of DNPA’s Development Management and Delivery Development Plan Document
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
AT 7.30pm

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.


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